Chapter 14

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Inside the cave, Violet was practicing her powers over the fire while the others watched. Dash began getting bored.

Dash: "Well, not that this isn't fun, but I'm gonna go look around."

Violet: "What do you think is going on here? You think we're on vacation or something? Mom and Dad's lives could be in jeopardy, or worse. Their marriage."

Dash: "Their marriage?"

Violet nods.

Dash: "So, the bad guys are trying to break Mom and Dad's marriage."

Vanellope: "What if they're trying to break Mr. and Mrs. Wilde's marriage?"

Violet: "Oh forget it, you two are so immature."

Dash: "Okay I'm gonna go look around."

Violet: "Mom said to stay hidden."

Dash: "I'm not gonna leave the cave. Sheesh."

Mightydog: "You know what, I should go with him. I did say I was gonna be his guard dog."

He follows Dash to the depths of the cave. The cave, filled with rocks around them, became a pathway. The path was like a tunnel.

Dash: "Cool. Cool!" Dash heard his echo. Mightydog begins barking to hear his echo. Meanwhile, the rocket was preparing for launch. The Omnidroid was loaded in and was ready to go. Syndrome turns a key and presses a button to launch the rocket. The huge blast of fire traveled down to where Dash and Mightydog were standing. They run from the flames quickly. Violet, Vanellope and Ian were waiting for them. They hear them yelling and see the light of the fire.

Violet: "What did you do?"

Mightydog: "No time to explain! Let's get out of here!"

They run out just in time and stop by a hill. Then they hear the rocket launching out of the island.

Ian: "How did you get a rocket to launch from there?"

Dash: "We didn't."

Meanwhile, Elastigirl, Telekibunny and Superdog were on the roof of the control center. Elastigirl lowers her head into the center without being seen. She sees the cell block power grid chart and sees where the others are being kept.

Elastigirl (whispers): "Bob."

Guard 1: "Huh, what?"

Guard 2: "Uh, I didn't say anything."

She quickly pulls her head back up and tells the others.

Elastigirl: "I found them. Let's go!"

Meanwhile, the rocket re-enters the earth's surface and slowly descends. It breaks apart and becomes a plane headed for the city.

At the island, the kids and Mightydog fell asleep. Dash was the first to wake up. He was on Violet and quickly jumps off her. As he looks around, a parrot began speaking.

Parrot: "Identification please!"

Dash: "Hey. Hey, hey everyone come here. Look it talks! There, that one."

Parrot: "Voice key, incorrect."

Violet: "Voice key?"

Parrot: "Voice key, incorrect."

Violet: "Wait a second."

Ian: "I don't think that's a real bird."

Ian was right. The bird was a robot. It began making an alarm sound.

Mightydog: "Ugh! Turn that off!"

Vanellope: "We're in trouble now!"

Dash: "What do we do?"

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