Chapter 5

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In Lucius' car, the five friends laugh at what Lucius was telling them while they listen to the police scanner.

Lucius: "So now I'm in deep trouble. I mean, one more jolt of this death ray and I'm an epitaph. Somehow I managed to find cover and what does Baron Von Ruthless do?"

Bob: "He starts monologuing."

Lucius: "He starts monologuing."

Red: "Like any bad guy would do."

Lucius: "He starts like this prepared speech about how feeble I am compared to him. How inevitable my defeat is, how the world will soon be his! Yada, yada, yada."

Bob: "Yammering."

Lucius: "Yammering! I mean, the guy has me on a platter, and he won't shut up."

Barley: "I never get tired of hearing these stories."

Lucius: "They're not just stories, my friend. They're memories."

Police Radio: "Municiberg, we have a 23-56..."

Bob: "23-56, what is that? Robbery?"

Lucius: "This is just sad."

Ralph: "Well if Nick was with us, he would tell us what it is."

Red: "No he wouldn't because those are codes only cops should know."

Bob: "Yeah, robbery. Want to catch a robber?"

Lucius: "No. Tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling. Look, what if we actually did what our wives and families think we're doing? Just to shake things up."

Bob: "Hey that got me thinking, Red, why aren't Chuck and Bomb here?"

Red: "Bomb woke up sick so Chuck had to stay behind. Just don't tell him we're doing something other than bowling."

Meanwhile, on an undercover car. Someone was spying on them. She was on the phone.

Spy: "He's not alone. The fat guy's still with him, so is the bird, the purple guy, and the strong guy. They're just talking."

Lucius: "What are we doing here, Bob?"

Bob: "We're protecting people."

Barley: "Doesn't look like it. If we're just sitting here."

Lucius: "Nobody asked us."

Bob: "You need an invitation?"

Lucius: "I'd like one, yes. We keep sneaking out to do this, and, you remember Gazerbeam?"

Bob: "Yeah. There was something about him in the paper."

Red: "What did he say this time?"

Bob: "He went missing."

Lucius: "He had trouble adjusting to civilian life, too."

Barley: "Who's this?"

Ralph: "An old hero we once knew. We haven't seen him in a while."

Bob: "When's the last time you saw him?"

Lucius: "I don't see anyone from the old days, Bob. Just you, Red and Ralph. And we're pushing our luck as it is."

Bob: "Oh, come on."

Lucius: "It was fun the first time, but if we keep doing this, we're gonna get..."

Ralph: "Shh! The scanner is on."

Police Radio: "We have a report on a fire..."

Bob: "A fire. We're close! Yeah, baby!"

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