Bonus Chapter: Jack-Jack Attack

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In a dark room, two young female voices are heard. Then a bright light shines at their faces. These girls, Porsha and Kari, met with Rick Dicker and Gru privately.

Kari: "Wow! Now it's too bright."

Porsha: "Wait, what's going on here? Are we in trouble?"

Rick: "File 82-702. Agent Rick Dicker interrogating. This is my assistant Gru. State your names please."

Kari: "I'll go first. Kari. Kari McKeen. It's like Carrie, only with a K instead of a C, and an "ah" instead of an "a", and only one R, and an I instead of an I-E."

Gru: "Okay, we get it, we get it! And your name."

Porsha: "Porsha. Porsha Crystal. P-O-R-S-H-A. Simple enough?"

Rick: "Couldn't get any simpler. Tell us about the incident."

Kari: "Well it started out like any normal sitting gig. You know, with the reassuring of the parent and all."

The setting goes back to when Kari and Porsha were at the Parr house watching Jack-Jack. They were on the phone with Helen.

Kari: "Mrs. Parr. We can totally handle anything this baby can dish out. [cooing] "Can't I, little baby? I can handle it. Who can handle it?"

Porsha: "Who's ticklish? I got your toes!" She plays with Jack-Jack's toes and he begins laughing. The phone cuts off.

Kari: "Mrs. Parr? Mrs. Parr? Oh well, she knows you're in good hands." Kari hangs up the phone and turns to Jack-Jack. "Now who's ready for some neurological stimulation?"

Porsha: "Niro-what?"

Kari: "Neurological stimulation."

Porsha and Jack-Jack look at each other. Kari sets up baby toys around Jack-Jack in the living room. Then she plays a song from Mozart. Jack-Jack looks up.

Porsha: "Mozart? Really?"

Kari: "I told you. Mozart makes babies smart."

Porsha: "Okay then, you do that. I'll get the bath ready."

Kari: "It's time for some cognitive development!"

She turns around and Jack-Jack was gone. Kari barges into the bathroom and startled Porsha.

Kari: "Where's the baby?"

Porsha: "Why are you asking me? You were doing your Niro whatever simulation with him."

They look around the house and see him on the kitchen table. He hides behind the flower pot on the table.

Porsha: "Aww, how cute!"

Kari: "Ohh. Who's the goo goo baby? Where's the hiding... Huh?"

Kari lifts the flower pot and Jack-Jack wasn't hiding back there. Instead, he made it to the refrigerator and found his baby bottle.

Porsha: "Wow. For a baby, he can move fast."

Kari: "Yeah. That's really weird. Wait right here."

Porsha: "You're gonna tell him to wait there? I don't think he'll listen."

Kari dials Helen's number. It went straight to voicemail. "Hello Mrs. Parr. This is Kari. I have a question about Jack-Jack.

Porsha: "He's acting a bit strange."

Kari: "Could you call us?"

Porsha: "Ah! He's gone!"

They look around. Little did they know that while they were on the phone, Jack-Jack hovered to the ceiling. He pulls the rubber off the baby bottle and milk spills all over Kari's face.

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