Chapter 12

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Helen is flying a jet with Judy as the co-pilot.

Helen: "Island approach. India Golf Niner-Niner checking in. VFR on top. Over."

[radio static]

Helen: "Island tower, this is India Golf Niner-Niner requesting vectors to the initial. Over."

[radio static]

Judy: "You would think they would respond."

Helen looks at her bag and sees her suit. Judy also saw it.

Judy: "Is that your suit? I don't remember it having that much red on it."

Helen: "Easy, Helen. Easy. Easy, girl. You're overreacting. Everything's fine. They're just all getting coffee. At the same time. Yeah."

After a while, she gets up.

Judy: "Where are you going?"

Helen: "Take the wheel."

Judy does so. Krypto and Bolt get on the co-pilot seat. Helen walks to the dressing room to put on her suit. Meanwhile, the heroes were held by a suspension system by their arms and legs. Syndrome and Vector walk towards them.

Syndrome: "You, sir truly are Mr. lncredible. You know, I was right to idolize you. I, I always knew you were tough, but tricking the probe by hiding under the bones of another super? Oh, man! We're still geeking out about it!"

Vector: "Seems Incredibly smart, then you all became incredibly stupid."

Heatbeam: "I knew you'd say something like that."

Syndrome: "And then you had to just ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible, Armstrong, Firefox and the rest of you calling for help?"[mocking] Help me, help me. Help!

Vector: "We need backup! We can't do this on our own. Oh dear!"

Syndrome: "Lame lame lame, LAME, LAME!! ALL RIGHT, WHO DID YOU CONTACT?!"

Mr. Incredible: "Contact? What are you talking about?"

Vector: "Oh, playing dumb huh? Well this should get you to open your mouths."

Syndrome presses a button to electrocute them.

Syndrome: "I am referring to last night at 23:07 hours while you were snooping around. You sent out a homing signal."

Vector: "Was it to contact Gold Rush, who apparently is still mingling around the island?!"

Heatbeam: "He's alive?"

Mr. Incredible: "I didn't know about the homing device."

They electrocute them again. This time with high voltage.

Syndrome: "And now a government plane is requesting permission to land here! Who did you contact?!"

Armstrong (gasping): "We, didn't contact, anyone!"

Mr. Incredible: "I didn't send for a, a plane."

Syndrome: "Play the transmission!"

Helen: "India golf Niner-Niner checking in. VFR on top. Over."

Mr. Incredible: "Helen!"

Judy: "You would think they would respond."

Firefox: "Judy?"

Syndrome: "So you do know these people. Well, then, I'll send them a little greeting."

Helen throws her bag on one of the seats.

Violet: "Ow!"

Elastigirl: "Violet!"

Violet: "It's not my fault! Dash ran away, and I knew I'd get blamed for it. Then Vanellope snuck in and I needed Ian to help..."

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