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Kagaya:"What happened, To be precise?"He asked as a young boy with 2 katanas on his back, Is sitting on the floor

Kagaya:"What happened, To be precise?"He asked as a young boy with 2 katanas on his back, Is sitting on the floor

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Mitsuri:"I'm sorry!"

Kagaya:"Please explain"

Mitsuri:"Well you see, Me and Sekiro were on a mission and a Sekiro took an attack that was meant for me. I was able to finish off the Demon but then Sekiro suddenly turned into-"

Sanemi:"Into a brat"He finished

Tengen:"So basically, It's your fault on why he's like this"He exclaimed as The love Hashira nods

Sekiro... Apparently turned into a child... For some reason

Kagaya:"Shinobu-chan, Do you happen to know the effects of the curse that Sekiro is currently under?"

Shinobu:"For now, Not much. My theory is that he'll most likely grow back into his normal state again since the Demon who made the curse is dead so its effects should wear off soon but for now, He is currently a child"

While they were talking, Sekiro was only staring at the floor, Not really doing anything

Mitsuri:"Um, Hello"She called the boy's attention

Mitsuri:"I'm sorry this happened to you, I promise I'll make it up to you"She swore as the boy only stared at her

He said nothing, No words came out of his mouth which kinda freaked her out

All of a sudden, A small tornado of petals surrounded the boy as this caught everyone off guard. Then the petals died down as Sekiro got even older. And his face was covered in blood

Mitsuri:"Oh no!"She yelled before wiping the blood off of him

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Mitsuri:"Oh no!"She yelled before wiping the blood off of him

Kagaya:"What happened?"

Shinobu:"He... He changed, Got older"She explained as Sekiro once again, Never said a word, Only stared at everyone

Obanai:"Little shit's creepy"

Shinobu:"My lord, I would like to request that Sekiro remain in the Butterfly Estate for the time being"She asked as he nods

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