Chapter 9

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Muzan after his encounter with Sekiro and before meeting Genichiro

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!


Muzan's mind roared again and again and again as he immediately calls out every single upper moon

Muzan:"NAKIME!"He roared her name as she immediately plays her Biwa and every single one of them arrives almost instantly

Akaza:"What is it, My lord?"He kneeled and so did other Upper Moons while others did their thing

Soon Muzan walks in with bandages covering his body yet blood was seemingly spilling out and drenching the bandages of his blood. His expression was that of an unending wave of rage yet a torrent of fear as his bloodlust quickly covers the entire Infinity Castle which made every Upper Moon tense. Even Douma was scared while Kokushibo seemingly had a bead of sweat

Everyone was then on their toes as they have never seen Muzan this furious before yet there was also a small tint of fear

Muzan:"Anyone who can slay the One Armed Wolf shall be granted a huge portion of my blood!"He exclaimed as this surprises everyone

Muzan:"Kill him! All of you kill him! I don't care what it takes. MAKE SURE TO END HIS EXISTENCE!!!"He roared as the bandages fell off as they got to see his body and their eyes widen

There was a huge and nasty injury that seemingly looked like a slash. There's two of them to be precise, One is a bit smaller than the other and is healing but very slowly and it looked it it was cursed. And the other one looks awful, Bits of flesh was falling out while blood continues to spill out. The wound looked terrible, Like it was a punishment by the gods

And then an image appeared in their heads as they saw a black wolf with a crimson fang while being covered in what seems like the flames of hell

Muzan:"Kill him, Kill him! Kill him! KILL HIM!"


Nezuko was still hugging Sekiro, Not even letting go or loosening her grip on the wolf. She even started to rub her head on his chest as this starts to confused the wolf

A kakushi grabs Tanjiro but before that, The boy clings on to something to stop him from leaving

Kagaya:"Now then, Sanemi, Iguro, I hope that you stop bullying Nezuko from now on-"His sentence was stopped by Tanjiro

Tanjiro:"Wait! Let me at least headbutt the guy who harmed my sister! At least three more times!"He demanded as Muichiro grabs a pebble and throws it at Tanjiro but Sekiro stops it by grabbing the pebble before it reaches the redhead

Tanjiro was startled as Sekiro drops the pebble

Nezuko:"Hmm! Hmm!"She hummed and opens her arms towards Sekiro who tilts his head from confusion but Tengen however

He snickers

Tengen:"Would you look at that! You truly are a Shinobi, Sekiro"He called out as Sekiro turns his attention to the tall man

Sekiro:"I am not? How?"He asked like a confused child

Tengen:"Shinobis are known to have multiple wives and you already got a harem of your own"He explained as Sekiro continues to remain confused

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