Chapter 8

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Sekiro arrives at the old woman's place, He looked for everyone but they were gone

Sekiro:"Where are they?"He asked as he noticed the old woman

Old Woman:"Are you looking for your companions?"She asked as he nods

Old Woman:"They went that way, They had a mission to do"She pointed in a direction as he bowed and immediately left. Running towards the direction

Sekiro ran and ran until he saw a forest as he heard something, He quickly went up into the trees with his grappling hook

He scouted the areas until he saw Tanjiro and Inosuke fighting some demon slayers which confuses the wolf yet he then saw the strings attached to the other slayers

He immediately jumped from above and landed on one of the slayer's back as he cut the strings yet they regrew back

Tanjiro:"Sekiro!"He called out as another slayer saw him

???:"Wait! You're the Immortal Wolf! I've heard about you, We're saved!"He exclaimed

Tanjiro:"Immortal?"He asked

???:"I'm Murata, Please help us, There are strings attached to the others that are controlling them, Cutting them doesn't work for some reason!"He explained as Sekiro using the lilac flame Vent then uses living force as his blade was covered with blue flames

He immediately went to the other slayers and slashed their strings as they are no longer being controlled

???:"We're free? Thank you!"She thanked him as Sekiro sat them down and shoves the healing gourd which shocks everyone as the medicinal water went down their throats

The slayers coughed from the bitterness of the water yet their wounds are now gone, As if they were never there

Tanjiro:"Incredible"He said in amazement

Sekiro:"Murata, Take the other slayers out. Tanjiro, Inosuke, Help me finish this mission"He ordered

Murata:"On it"

Tanjiro:"Very well"

Inosuke:"Huh!? Who do you think you are to order me, Kekiro!?"He pronounced his name wrong yet the Wolf ignored him and left

He continued to scout the area as he jumped in the air and saw the person controlling the strings, He then got back into the ground and went towards the string user as he arrived and saw the person, It was demon spider

Sekiro:"You have committed too many sins, Surrender peacefully then I'll make your death swift"He said as he points his blade at her

The demon panics as she tries to do something but then stops, She puts her arms down and kneels down. Sekiro quickly took action and immediately decapitated the demon

Her head fell off from her body as he got on his knees and began to pray for her. The demon saw this and teared up as she began to disappear yet before she left, She warned him

Demon Girl:"A lower moon is nearby"She warned before finally vanishing as Sekiro got his guard up

He began to search for the lower moon, Like a wolf looking for its prey. He searched the entire forest until he saw Inosuke fighting a big demon

Demon:"Stay away from my family!"He ordered as he slammed his arms on the ground which Inosuke dodged. The pig looked quite injured yet before he could react, A blade pierced the demon's neck

Sekiro appeared to be on top of the demon as he spun around and immediately decapitated the demon

Sekiro:"You alright?"He asked

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