Chapter 5

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Sekiro took a stance and was full on guard. He doesn't know this man nor what he's capable of so he's wary meanwhile the man observed Sekiro and was carefully watching him as to see what's he gonna do

Sekiro focused on the man and his surroundings as he touched the top of his katana on the blood puddle on the ground from the man that the demon killed and the blood ran up to his blade and covers it

Sekiro then quickly rushes towards the demon who summons multiple sharp and spiked tendrils to try and attack Sekiro with it but the Shinobi blocks the every attack that tries to get close him

More tendrils came and Sekiro cuts them off with his sword while dodging

He shot multiple Phantom Kunais that tried to get close the demon who knocks them away but they're actually coated with wisteria thanks to Shinobu. And those aren't meant to harm him but to distract him as Sekiro got close to him with the Mist Raven and uses the Tengu Fan and forced the demon to face the opposite direction which allowed his back to be open as he stabs him in the neck and decapitates him

Sekiro was about to leave until he senses danger and uses the Spring Loaded Umbrella block incoming attacks as the demon he decapitated is still alive and is seemingly regening a new head

So decapitating him normally is out of the question so now he has to use something but Sekiro was stabbed from the back by a tendril which pierces through him. Sekiro looks and saw that the demon had planted a tendril from the ground and it got close to Sekiro without the Shinobi knowing or realizing as he drops on the ground, Dead

The Demon needed to take him out quickly since he is a dangerous one but then petals appeared above the wolf's corpse as he stands up again like nothing happened. Then the demon finally got a good look at him

Black hair with a little bit of white, Short, Has 2 swords, And has a noticeable prosthetic arm. He is the One Armed Wolf that was warned by the Uppermoon 1

The demon quickly got serious as his hair turned white and sharp teeth and multiple mouths appeared all over his body and endless tendrils sprouts out from his back

The demon quickly got serious as his hair turned white and sharp teeth and multiple mouths appeared all over his body and endless tendrils sprouts out from his back

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He quickly decapitated the wolf but then he resurrected as his head is back on its body and the decapitated head turned into petals and vanished

Sekiro jumped away for some distance but a wave of tendrils which are hundreds have come to kill him as he parries every single one but then more came from every direction and he was caught of guard as it ripped him to shreds and the only things remained are his weapons and bits of him but then a small tornado of petal surrounded his weapons as he was brought back to life again

But this time, Sekiro uses the Divine Confetti which created a Kanji on his back and his sword had a bright purple and blue flame covering the blade as he rushes at the demon who tried to attack back but he uses the mist Raven and appeared in front of him and slashes him on the chest

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