Chapter 4

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Sekiro arrived and wondered what kind of demons are they gonna fight? He could only find out soon. The girl Mitsuri has a very positive vibe about everything



Sekiro:"I'm Sorry about before"He apologised and bows to her

Mitsuri:"Oh no need, Honestly we should be the one apologising since we attacked you out the blue, So sorry"

Sekiro:"Well do you know the location of our mission?"He asked

Mitsuri;"Yeah it's a forest. Wanna go to it now?"She asked as the boy nods

The 2 then left and arrived at a forest

Mitsuri:"Here we are!"Sekiro was about to go in until the girl stops him

Mitsuri:"It's not dark yet so they won't be coming out. Let wait here for at least an hour before we can go in"She said as the boy nods

Sekiro heard a growl and looks at the girl who was redder than an apple from embarrassed

Mitsuri:"It's not me!"She lied and hides her face as Sekiro offered her a box full of Onigiris

Sekiro:"Would you like some?"He asked the girl smiles and shines bright

Mitsuri:"Yes please!"She said as she has Onigiris in both hands and Sekiro has one

They both began to eat the rice balls as Sekiro looks at her hair

Mitsuri:"Yeah?"She asked with a mouthful full of rice

Sekiro:"Your hair"He said as the girl froze

Mitsuri:"Is it… Weird?"She asked

Sekiro:"No it's… Unique, Beautiful like the Sakura Cherry Blossoms"He answered as the girl blushes from the compliment

Mitsuri:"Really!? Thank you!"She thanked him as they both finished the rice balls

Sekiro then opens another box and this time it's Ohagi

Sekiro:"Would you like to have more?"He asked

Mitsuri:"Yes please"She said as they began to more as they quickly finished another box

Sekiro looks at the forest, Preparing himself before Mitsuri squeezes his cheeks

Sekiro looks at the forest, Preparing himself before Mitsuri squeezes his cheeks

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Mitsuri:"They're so soft!"She exclaimed as Sekiro has an expressionless face

Mitsuri:"You're exactly like the Muichiro, You're both so cute like dolls and you even act like one"

Sekiro:".... Thank you?"He questioned as he offers her 2 candies

Sekiro:"Pick one. The Red one is Ako Sugar and it increases your strength and the other. The Blue one is Ungo Sugar which increases your vitality"He offered and exclaimed

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