Chapter 6

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Sekiro:"Hmm"Sekiro let out a muffled moan as he covers his mouth with his hand as Shinobu was giving a hand job

She offered to "Help" Sekiro as the boy accepted the help as he ejaculated one last time. It was midnight as Sekiro was catching his breath

Sekiro:"Thank you"

Shinobu:"No problem"She said as she left as Sekiro fell asleep in his bed

He made sure to sleep on the left side. He soon woke up early and decided to prepare his stuff. But then he saw a bulge in his pants (Morning Wood) as he quickly knocks on Shinobu's door

Shinobu:"Yes?"She opens her door and saw Sekiro with a bulge in his pants. She quickly looks left to right before grabbing the boy but his real arm and dragging him into her room

She quickly took off his pants and quickly started the deed

Sekiro:"Please be gentle"He asked as the pace became a bit slower

Sekiro was trying to catch his breath while Shinobu continued to stroke his shaft as he ejaculated as it landed on her arm. His sword finally got soft again as Shinobu let out a sigh of relief while Sekiro panted

Shinobu:'Did it get bigger?' She thought to herself

She quickly grabs a towel and cleans herself and Sekiro

Shinobu:"Wanna go eat breakfast?"She asked as the boy nods

The two arrives at the dinner table where they saw Aoi preparing a meal

Aoi:"Oh, Good morning Sekiro, miss Shinobu"

Shinobu:"Good morning"

Aoi:"Care to join me for breakfast?"

Shinobu:"Of course"She agreed as Sekiro nods

The meal was eggs and bread. Simple but filling

Sekiro quickly finished his meal before saying goodbye and leaving. He arrives at Tamayo's hospital where she and Yushiro saw the boy

Tamayo:"Sekiro. You are here for your weapon right?"She asked as he nods

Tamayo:"Yushiro, Grab his sword give it back to him"

Yushiro:"Yes Lady Tamayo"He said as he quickly left to grab the Shinobi's weapon as he comes back with the katana in hand

Yushiro:"Here"He hands the blade to the owner as Sekiro grabs it and unsheathes it to examine it and it was in good condition

Lady Tamayo:"If you are looking for you friend then he left that way"She said as she points at where Tanjiro has gone to

Sekiro:"I see. Farewell"He said as he bows

Tamayo:"May you have a safe travel"

Sekiro:"Thank you"He said as he left

He saw Tanjiro and with a yellow haired boy walking as they were eating some rice ball

He decides to follow them from behind as Tanjiro's crow alerted him of a demon. The three quickly went to where the Demon's are and saw a house along with two kids

Then all of a sudden a kid flew out the window as Sekiro reacted quickly and catches the kid as it shocked everyone at the Shinobi's sudden appearance

Tanjiro:"Sekiro!?"He called out as the ninja grabs his gourd and forces the medical water down the boy's throat as he was quite injured

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