Chapter 3

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Sekiro kneeled down and offered his Loyalty as Kagaya remained smiling.

Kagaya:"I expect great things from you, Wolf"

Sekiro:"I am Sekiro and my life is yours"

Sanemi:"Hold on! My lord, Not to be disrespectful but how could you accept him so easily?!"

Kagaya:"He saved my son despite not knowing him, That is enough"He explained

Kagaya:"Now then, Wolf would you like to be Hashira?"He asked as everyone was shocked

Rengoku:"My lord, Are you sure he can be a Hashira?"He asked

Kagaya:"He went against an upper moon 1 and survived, That alone is impressive"

Shinobu:"And he was able to hold his own against all of us"

Sekiro:"Forgive me but I do not know what a Hashira is so I must decline"He said

Kagaya:"I see, A Hashira is the highest ranking Demon Slayers for they have incredible strength and skill, Only a few could match them. But I heard from Kocho that you went against all of the Hashira at the same time. That is proof that you are at the same level as one"He explained

Sekiro:"Forgive me but I do not think I can be a Hashira, Your life is my main priority"He explained

Kagaya:"I am grateful but there is no need. I order you to kill evil creatures and to protect the people, Can you do it?"

Sekiro:"Yes my lord"

Kagaya:I bestow you a title of your own, You will be at the same rank as a Hashira, You will be known as the "Immortal Wolf"."

Sekiro:"Very well my lord, I am your Shinobi, I am your Immortal Wolf"

Kagaya:"Thank you. Shinobu, take Sekiro to the Butterfly State and give him his own room, He must be in poor state after fighting the Upper Moon 1"He ordered as Sekiro finally noticed his wounds

Shinobu:"Very well my lord, I will do my best to heal him"She said as Sekiro drank from his gourd as his wounds disappeared

Everyone was startled and amazed at what happened as some let out a gasp

Kagaya:"Amane, What happened?"He asked his wife

Amane:"He drank from his gourd and then all of a sudden, His wounds disappeared as if they were never there"She explained as the Butterfly Hashira approached the Wolf

Shinobu:"What is that?"She asked with curiosity as she points at his gourd

Sekiro:"It is a Healing Gourd, It's medical water that heals whoever drinks it and it refills itself on it's for unknown reasons"He explained

Shinobu:"May I have a drink?"She asked as Sekiro hands her the gourd as she inspects it

The gourd on her hand looks normal and not out of the ordinary as she took a knife and cuts her hand as she took a drink from the gourd. And then the disappeared



Everyone was speechless, A water that can heal wounds to the point they never existed. It was simply amazing

Tengen:"What does it taste?"He asked the girl

Shinobu:"Bitter, Really Bitter"She explained as she gives the gourd back to the wolf

Kagaya:"A magical healing gourd, That is amazing, Sekiro!"He praised

Kagaya:"Now then there happens to be a small demon infestation in the east and I need you to take care of it, Wolf"He ordered

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