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The cold moonlight shone down on the man in front of him, bathing him in a cool white light.
He reeked of death and fire, a smell Seth never wanted to associate with his son.
"You are Anubis, aren't you?" he knew he was but wanted to hear him say it.

The mutts around him barked and showed their teeth but calmed once Anubis shushed them, "I am. I am Anubis, God of Death."

"No, you were not supposed to be that. This...This isn't who you were meant to be." Seth expressed his denial but Anubis didn't react to it. Not visibly at least.
"Just what did Osiris do to you?"

Anubis frowned under his headdress and took a step forward, "I don't know what you have to do with my father but he gets sensitive whenever he watches you from Duat." he stopped in front of Seth, "And I can't help but ask myself what it is about you that drives him so crazy."

He reached out and grabbed Seth's face, "What is it? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?"
The headdress on his head faded away into black smoke, revealing his face that seemed both so familiar and so strange at the same time.

"Anubis, why don't you remember me?" it came out as a whisper. Anubis could feel the hot breath on his lips from how close they were.
Seth cupped his son's face as tears filled his eyes, "What did Osiris do to you? Why do you look at me like you don't know me?"

Even if his gaze was filled with hate Seth wouldn't care, it would mean that his son remembered him. How could this have happened? He was so scared that he would be forgotten, shared his fear with Osiris and his brother used it so blatantly against him.

Anubis looked down at the man, crying and asking him to remember him. But how could he remember him if he had never met him? He could see it in his eyes though that he was being sincere just like the last time they met in the desert.

He felt something twitch in his chest, why was this affecting him so much? The need to wipe away his tears and comfort him overcame Anubis.
The way this evil god was sobbing in his arms made him feel like all the things he heard about him couldn't be true.

He pulled Seth into his arms, earning a confused grunt from the smaller god. So this was the supposed god of war? With how Seth was nuzzling his face into his neck it didn't seem like he was any good for fighting wars.

Anubis held him close like that for a while before his hands started to travel down his back. The skin was soft, with not a single imperfection on it. Seth stirred in his embrace, "Anubis?"

Anubis looked down into his unsure eyes, then down at his lips. He had thought about them a lot since the last time. About how soft they were against his own, how nice it was.
He leaned in and kissed him, this time Seth didn't pull away. How could he after what happened last time? If he pushed Anubis away now who knows when he'd see him again?
He couldn't risk losing him again so he let it happen.

Seth didn't say anything even as his son's hands cupped the curve of his ass or his tongue found its way into his mouth.
Clearly, this was the only way Anubis would show him affection. More tears escaped his eyes when the god lowered him down into the soft sand, still warm from being hit by the sunlight the entire day.

Anubis leaned into the kiss, his hands sliding under Seth's shendyt and stroking his thighs and hips. The kiss grew more intense when Seth began to respond to it, moving his lips against Anubis' and moaning into it when his fingers slid over his rim.

"Anubis, you shouldn't–" shouldn't touch me like this. If you do, we can never be the same. I will never be able to be your father like that again. He wanted to say it but couldn't when Anubis simply shut him up again with his mouth.

When Seth stopped fighting it, his mouth moved to his jaw placing hot kisses there and sucking on the skin until it turned a fierce red color.
Meanwhile, he pushed a finger into the tight hole, breaching past the ring of muscles that resisted the intrusion.
"Relax Uncle..." he whispered and kissed his ear, "I'll be gentle."

And he was, he was gentle but it didn't help the ache in Seth's heart as his son explored his body like that. He sobbed quietly and with closed eyes as he tried to relax. His son called him Uncle. It was the last sign he needed to realize that Anubis truly didn't remember him.
He knew it of course, but there has been hope until now. That maybe all of this was a bad dream. That Anubis would laugh at him and call him stupid for believing this madness.

But no such thing happened. Seth opened his legs when Anubis asked for it and kept his mouth shut when his son's hard length pushed inside of him, the shendyt crumpled up around his waist.
If his son wanted him like this then he would not complain. He would take it as part of his punishment.

The wind began to feel cold against his hot skin and the tears on his face slowly dried as he laid there in the sand. At least he knew now that Anubis was well and healthy. He would've never forgiven himself if his son had died because of him.

Maybe this was for the best. Maybe Anubis was better of at Osiris' side instead of wasting his time with Seth. Seth didn't deserve to ask for Anubis' kindness. Not after how cruel he had been towards him all these years.

Anubis grunted softly above him and gripped his hips to the point it hurt and would surely leave bruises. His breathing grew short and stagnant and then Seth felt it. It was inside of him, hot and heavy and he felt like throwing up.
Anubis noticed something strange in the air and slowly pulled out. He looked down at his Uncle, the feeling in his chest grew heavy and he didn't know what to say now. So he didn't say anything, fixed himself, and grabbed his staff.
Seth blinked heavily, his consciousness slipping away from him and eventually, his head dropped to the side. Anubis took a last look at the passed-out man, with more questions in his head than before, before slowly fading away.

Zeus made his way up the sand dune, the clothes he bought from one of the vendors in one hand. He frowned when he noticed Seth in the sand, shendyt up and cum dripping from between his legs.
"Oh no..."

He made his way over and kneeled down on the sand, taking Seth into his arms. His skin had since turned cold and the tears had left sticky streaks on his cheeks.
"I can't leave you alone for one moment, can I?" Although his tone was amused, his face was the opposite.

Gently he dressed Seth in the clothes he bought him and picked him up into his arms. It looked like they had no choice but to spend the rest of the night in Thinis.

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