Yes, mother

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Hathor awoke with a smile on her face, the sun hitting the high points of her naked body as she laid there in her soft bed. Her long hair was sprawled around her she took a short moment to appreciate herself in the mirror hanging above her bed.

She giggled in excitement at her own reflection, wondering when she'd finally have Horus in it as well.
Isis promised her, that today he would finally have time to meet up with her in the courtyard of the palace that bloomed brightly ever since Horus' victory against Seth.

In her eyes, Horus was the only man that deserved to take a place in her bed. If only he would stop running away from her and finally marry her. It's not like he was interested in anyone else. Even so, Horus would realise sooner or later that she was what he truly wanted.

"What a silly boy.." she whispered and stretched her limbs with a soft sigh, "I'm up for a little challenge." she got up and began dressing herself for the day.
She wanted to look perfect for her meeting with Horus. It was kind of unfair how he could stare at her all day yet she still had no idea what he looked like under that stupid bird headdress.

Once she was his wife, sure, he could leave it on so that other women wouldn't stare at his, she assumed, gorgeous face. But right now she was really curious. It wasn't uncommon for gods to cover their faces like that. But they were gods, of course they wouldn't be ugly.
But she often wondered why else they did it if not for being ugly. A problem she could never relate to.

She hummed as she dressed in something light, yet still making sure to leave enough cleavage for Horus to convince himself that she was all he ever needed.

On the other side of the palace Isis was dragging Horus back by his wings after he tried to run away, "After destroying one of my temples the least you could do is to meet with Hathor."

Horus sighed, "Mother, I already told you that I don't want–"

"You don't have to marry her today but at least try to be friendly with her! She's Ra's favourite daughter and we can't afford to be on her bad side when we only just became the Supremes again."

Horus knew she was right but frankly said, Hathor was annoying. She followed him around wherever he went, was unnecessarily mean to her servants and just a few days ago commented on how awful Seth's red hair looked.

He had to hold back from smashing her face into the plate of cake she was eating. Who did she think she was insulting Seth like that?

If it wasn't for Maat and Thoth, who were there to report on something, then he might've thrown her into the next pond. Ever since Isis found out what had happened to her temple she kept pestering him about Hathor and his duties.

And now she was forcing him to meet with Hathor, alone, because she wanted to talk about their wedding, which wasn't going to happen but she didn't need to know that yet.
"Fine.." he muttered, "will you let go of my wings now?"


Isis dragged her son all the way to the flowerfilled courtyard where she handed him a bouquet she had prepared in advance, "Now you give these to her when she gets here and don't you dare leave her hanging. I did not suffer for 400 years so my son can throw away a chance like this."

At least Isis had her priorities straight, he thought. His mother left after shooting him multiple warning looks and eventually he sat down to wait for the goddes of Love,
Only, nobody but her mother seemed to really love her. He chuckled, it wasn't really surprising with that kind of personality.

With all due respect to his mother, he could barely stand being in a room with her for five minutes, how was he supposed to be married to her?

"Oh, you're here already."

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