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Divinity looked good on Seth. He was no longer tired or weak, nor hungry or sick. It was like a new life was breathed into him, granting him a second chance at being exceptional, as gods were.

But Seth had a rather hard time finding back into the role of the god of war. He didn't want to fight any more wars; when he wasn't tired from exhaustion he was tired from simply being.
Every day was a reminder that he had lost his honor as a man, in all the ways he could think of. He imagined the thoughts forming in their heads, the images of him under his brother. The god of war conquered by his own brother.

It felt like a wound had burst open all over again and was slowly bleeding out. Only this time, he had Horus there to patch him up every time he felt flawed and used.
He was there to tell him that he had done nothing wrong for trusting Osiris all those years ago; that he wasn't a failed god for being helpless against his assault.

And it helped that neither Maat nor Thoth treated him differently after the trial. Just like always when they came to discuss state affairs, Thoth greeted Seth with a smile, and Maat used her 'matter of fact' voice when she found Seth said something stupid.
He began to view them more as his family again.

But what was his biggest triumph, was that Isis grew to love Imsety. More and more often would she join them outside in the courtyard or gift Imsety clothes and toys, only of the finest quality, as was fit for her grandson and the son of a king.

She didn't turn away anymore when Horus placed his hands on Seth or kissed him. She averted her eyed, making it look like she didn't mind. And Seth didn't blame her, it was awkward. Seeing your son love the man who caused your suffering, it must be rough, so he didn't blame her.

Despite it all, he didn't reject Horus' advances anymore. Didn't deny their relationship in public anymore. He was the future spouse of the pharaoh and the man who bore the prince of Egypt.
If anyone dared to comment on the weirdness of it, Horus would shut them up on his own.
Seth appreciated it.

"Seth?" Isis was standing in the doorframe to his and Horu's chamber. She wasn't wearing her wig or any makeup.

"Imsety is out with Horus–"

"I wanted to speak with you. Can you come with me?" She bit her lip, it was early in the evening. What could this be about?

Seth nodded and followed his sister out to the courtyard, where flowers bloomed brightly lately. Her naked feet dodged the pebbles on the ground carefully as she led him to the stone bench between the blooming buds.

"I was thinking lately," she said and gathered her hands in her lap.

"Yes?" He didn't intend to sound as nervous as he did, "What is it?"

"Horus means to marry you." she ground her nails together as if to clean them of imaginary dirt. Her tone wasn't malicious, very light actually. But it caught him off-guard.

"...He does." Seth hesitated with his reply, "Why do you mention it?" He almost didn't want to ask, afraid of her answer. He was afraid often lately.

Isis sighed and looked ahead as if in deep thought. Her answer didn't come immediately. But it came nonetheless, "You will need my blessing."

Without all that makeup and her wig, she looked quite ordinary. It was intimate in its own kind of way. But as she sat there, her hands clasped together, stating such a simple yet obvious fact, Seth saw her in an entirely new light.

They had Ra's approval, she gave it on the condition that Horus convinced Maat to lessen her punishment after their divorce.
But they hadn't considered that Isis would need to give her also.

Seth looked at her in anticipation, opened his mouth to say something when she didn't continue on her own, "Can we...will you–" he cut himself off. What was he supposed to do? Could he ask her? Would it be impudent to do so?

Isis chuckled, "You're so many thousand years old and you still stutter when you have to ask for approval?" She lifted her hand to her mouth to stifle her laugh.

Seth frowned, crossing his arms in defense as the blood rose to his cheeks, "What was i supposed to do? You can't just say that stuff out of nowhere." But his complaint only made him look like a child and that proved her point.

"Do you love him?" She suddenly sounded serious again. Her eyes found his and reminded him of the ones he looked into every night and every morning.

"Yes." There was no hesitation this time. Only the quick confirmation of his feelings.

"What about Nephthys?"

Seth took a moment to consider Nephthys, "It's different. I think Nephthys was always more of a prize to me, rather than someone I saw as a lover. I'm not saying she wasn't special or that I wasn't in love with her. But it's different with Horus," Seth sighed at what he was about to admit, "He really is special."

Isis seemed satisfied with the answer, "You can do it."

"Do it?"

"You can marry him in good conscience, you have my approval."

Disbelief came first, then he grabbed her face and kissed her cheeks, "Thank you."

Isis blushed and grabbed his face to push him back, "Alright– That's enough!" But he turned his face in her grasp and kissed her palms instead. He had missed her, he realized. He hasn't kissed her since her marriage to Osiris. "Thank you, Isis."

She sighed and pulled him into a hug, perhaps she missed it too.


Seth froze in her arms, became stiff as a rock. He didn't see him, not because it was dark now but because he was standing behind him.
Isis released him from the embrace and found fear in his eyes. She realized what this looked like and shook her head, whispering "I didn't know."

Seth turned around and faced him, "Anubis."

"I came to talk to you." The god of death was neither accompanied by his hounds nor was he holding any type of weapon. Seth nodded and looked back at Isis, who stood up and left them the privacy of the courtyard.

"You called me father," Seth said.

"I remembered. Most of it." Anubis didn't move.


"I'm sorry." Anubis looked guilty, his eyebrows furrowed together as he looked down on the ground. "I made a promise to wait for you. I didn't, I forgot you. And then I violated you. I was there, at the trial. I heard what you said."
Seth bit his lip; so now even Anubis knew of his disgrace.

"I'm so sorry, father! I didn't know!" Anubis fell to his knees and bowed to the man who raised him as his own.

"Anubis, my dear child." Seth joined Anubis on the ground and grabbed him by his face, "Look at me, son."

They looked at each other but neither could see more than a blurry image through their tears. Seth felt it though, felt the change that Anubis' body had gone through.
They had both moved on to different lives since then.

"I forgive you, will you forgive me?" Seth asked and stroked his tear-stained cheeks with his thumbs. Anubis nodded and fell into his father's arms, forgetting that he was larger than him now. With their eyes closed, it was just them again. Father and son.

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