Your tears

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Seth woke up with a pounding head and an aching body. The events of the night before rushed back into his mind and a feeling similar to anxiety spread through his chest.
It all felt like a bad dream, he hoped it was but knew that it wasn't.
Holding his hand to his head he noticed the arms that were wrapped tightly around his body.

He looked down at them and then up to see that he was in a bedroom he didn't recognize.
The arms around his waist were familiar by now though and it was oddly comforting, although he would never admit that. To himself maybe but not to Zeus.

He turned around in the embrace, careful to not wake Zeus up. The god from Hellas snored softly which told him that he really was asleep this time.
Once again he had saved Seth from whatever might have happened after he passed out in the desert. And Seth felt grateful this time, grateful that he wasn't alone while he was hurting. How could it be that this foreign god was always there when he needed him?

He looked at Zeus' face and cupped it softly in his hands, taking a moment to admire his masculine features. The beard tickled his hands and Seth chuckled at the foreign sensation.
He leaned down and softly placed a kiss on his lips.

"You're so annoying." he whispered, "yet I can't help but like you. I hate it." he smiled as he placed more kisses on his face until Zeus slowly stirred and yawned in his sleep.
It was kind of adorable, Seth thought, and kissed him again.
That was when Zeus opened his eyes and pulled him closer than he already was.
"Seth..." he whispered, his morning voice deep and raw.

"Shut up." Seth smiled and pressed their lips together only this time Zeus kissed him back. Their tongues met in the middle and Zeus moaned as Seth pressed his body against his, rolling his hips like a desert snake.

It was something he's never seen or felt Seth do and gods, it was beautiful. Seth pulled the hairband out of Zeus' hair, letting it fall loose. He ran his hands through it as the kiss grew heated and filthy.

Seth pushed Zeus on his back and straddled him without breaking the kiss. His hands wandered over his chest, feeling the hard muscles under his fingers. It was almost unfair that Zeus looked like this when he wasn't even a god of war like Seth used to be. Then again, Seth didn't know what kind of god he was at all.

Zeus eventually broke the kiss and opened his eyes to look up at Seth. He was still wearing the loose robe he had dressed him in last night, though it was sliding off his shoulder on one side. It was what happened next that made his heart pound faster and his dick harder.

Seth bit his lip and rolled his hips down, unsure...inexperienced. Zeus' eyes softened and he placed his hands on his hips, guiding him as they began to grind their crotches together.
The air was hot and heavy but the mood wasn't tense like usual.

Seth bit his lip and stopped the grinding, pulled down Zeus' shendyt, and reached behind to grab his hard cock. He still wasn't used to the feeling of someone else's dick in his hand.
"Seth.." Zeus said again and Seth looked at him, something soft in his eyes as he aligned himself above it and slowly sunk down.

It was a beautiful sight to Zeus, the way Seth looked at that moment couldn't be compared with anything he had ever seen before. He squeezed his hips and took a sharp breath in.
Seth's thighs trembled as he lifted himself up and sunk back down, obviously doing this for the first time.

It was adorable how clumsy he was, how inexperienced. Zeus stroked his sides and breathed softly, "Do you want me to–?"

"No! I mean, I can do this on my own." Seth whimpered and picked up the pace. He didn't need help, he wanted to do this on his own. He gained more confidence and kept going until he heard Zeus' breathing pick up its' pace.

The air around them turned hot from their hard, labored breathing. Zeus loved the feeling of his soft skin under his fingers like the finest silk. How could a warrior have skin like this? It was beyond his imagination.

"I'm sorry..." he moaned and pulled him down into a kiss, passionate and hot. Zeus hooked his arms under his thighs and began to thrust up into his tight heat, swallowing all the sounds that were falling from Seth's lips. Every 'please' and every 'faster', he took it all, selfish as he was.
The position was an intimate one and Seth was admittedly glad that Zeus hadn't listened to him and taken the lead. He wasn't sure if he would have been able to keep going much longer.

The precum on Seth's tip smeared against their stomachs, moans filled the room the closer they got to their release. Seth pulled at the god's hair, as he abused the sweet spot inside of him. He tried not to think about Osiris at that moment, the brother who had first shown it to him.

"Fuck, I'm close–" he warned Zeus who in turn reached between them and began to tug at his length, earning himself more sweet sounds. He could get addicted to the sweet voice of the former desert god.

He kept himself from thinking about the possibilities there'd be if only Seth could still turn into sand. His thoughts were interrupted by the waves of pleasure that shot through his body as he released deep inside.
Seth was trembling in his arms as he came and spilled his seed into Zeus' hand.
Zeus smiled and used his clean hand to lift Seth's head up from where it was resting heavily on his chest.

He stopped smiling when he saw the tears rolling down Seth's red cheeks, a pained expression on his face.
"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Zeus panicked and pulled out of him, "Did I hurt you?"

Seth shook his head but began to sob, his body shaking violently. Zeus didn't know what to do, so he just hugged him close. He let the man cry his heart out while slowly stroking the back of his head,

"Why..." Seth took a shaky breath, "why am I not good enough?" his voice sounded pained,
Zeus softly stroked his back, "What do you mean?" he was confused, it came out of nowhere.

Seth just shook his head, "I tried so hard to be a good father. I really did..." he hiccuped, "But everyone only sees the evil in me."
Seth hugged him like he couldn't breathe without Zeus, "Anubis...he forgot all about me."
Zeus recalled Anubis being Seth's son, and seemingly also the guy they'd fought back then in the desert.

"Last night...he...he-" a pained sob broke the sentence before he could finish it.
But Zeus understood. He had found Seth with bruises all over and cum dripping out of him.
It didn't take much to put two and two together and realize what had happened while he wasn't there.

"Seth, this place isn't safe for you." he tried to keep his voice soft, "Everyone here is out to get you. Egypt doesn't deserve you. You call these people your family but do they say the same about you? What about your parents? Your mother watched as you were punished, and so did your father and neither said anything."

Seth just nodded so Zeus kept talking, "You did your best Seth. I don't know all of it but believe me...I know you tried your best to be a good husband, a good father, and a good god. Let me give you a second chance at that. Let me take you to Hellas with me."

Zeus kissed Seth on the forehead, "You can start over, have a family. One that cherishes you and doesn't throw you out for the humans to do with as they please. You're still a god at heart Seth." And he didn't want to ever feel Seth's tears on his chest again. He realized now that it was too much for him to handle.

Seth glanced up at Zeus, nodded, and with a hopeful voice declared, "Take me to Hellas."

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