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It was a day like any other in Hellas, the land Seth had now accepted as his new home. He was out and about, admiring the other gardens in the Olymp while greeting other gods and demigods alike.

For the first time in a while, he felt happy. Truly content with the life he was living now. The curse around his wrist was long covered up with the golden bracelets that Zeus had gifted him.
Zeus, the god of Hellas, the man that had saved him from his fate.

Seth caught himself smiling more often these days when he thought about him. Mostly because whenever Zeus wanted to see Seth, he had to endure being around Ares as well.
And led to Seth feeling like he was finally part of a family again.

Ares brought out feelings in Seth that had been buried underneath the pain of the last 400 years. The desire to be a father, a caretaker. He was known on the Olymp for being that. And he loved every second of it. Zeus endured it because it meant that Seth was happy enough to put up with him more often.

And just like that he thought it would be a day like any other, until he heard the guards from afar, "Attack...we're being attacked!"

Before he knew it he was running through the palace, his naked feet slapping harshly against the glossy floors until he stopped by a balcony and ran out to see what was happening.

And then he saw it, a fleet of ships nearing the coastline and when he squeezed his eyes his heart skipped a beat, Egyptian ships. A whole bunch of them were nearing the coast of Hellas.

"Seth?!" A voice called for him, Hestia, he realized, "Those are ships from your land, aren't they? What are they doing here unannounced?" she looked dissheveled, like she had just woken up.

Seth shook his head, "I don't know, I swear." Somehow the Ennead must have found out that he was in Hellas. He cursed under his breath, "I need to find Zeus."

Hestia looked like she wanted to say something but Seth didn't have time for it. He rushed off to look for Zeus. The guards probably alarmed him of the intrusion already.
After running around for what felt like an eternity he finally found Zeus by the Gates, "Zeus!"

The God turned around with a stressed look on his face, "Seth, do you know anything about this?"

Seth shook his head, "No. I swear I have no idea. But they must have found out that I'm here."

More gods had gathered around them, including Hera who held onto Ares' hand tightly, "They must be here for Seth."

"They can't have him." Zeus shot back at her, their eyes tingling as they engaged in a silent fight for dominance. Somewhere in the distance it thundered.

"Are you choosing to protect this foreigner instead of your own home? Zeus, don't be ridiculous. There are enough ships out there to start a war!"

"Then there shall be a war!" The loudness with which Zeus spoke frightened the others present, even Ares flinched.
Seth shook his head, he could not let this happen. He couldn't let another child suffer because of his selfishness.

"I will go down there and talk to them." he decided and made his way past the group of gods who didn't even protest, only to be held back when Zeus grabbed his wrist.

"Don't stop me. Just come with me." That seemed to do the trick because Zeus reluctantly let go of him and together they left to go and meet the ships.

The first ship that arrived was bearing the sign of Sekhmet which was the first indicator that these ships were indeed sent to attack Hellas. Seth forced himself to stay calm as they marched down the sandy beach toward the ship.

The other ships stayed behind as if waiting for either the sign to attack or retreat. Seth knew it all, he had been Egypt's god of war for so long, the strategies they used up to this day were all too familiar to him.

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