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It was the day Zeus was going to leave Egypt and go back to Hellas with a child and a treaty in his pocket. A happy day for not only both their lands, but also for Isis.
Having to endure Zeus' presence every day had taken a toll on her nerves and she was ready to go back to her daily routine.

Likewise, she was also thrilled to finally kick Seth out into the desert again. Hopefully for good this time. She was watering the flowers in the palace courtyard, something she used to do many centuries ago, when suddenly a servant announced himself and informed her, "The king is asking to meet you in the throne hall."

"Did he mention why?" She put the jug of water down on the ground. She didn't think a goodbye party for Zeus was necessary.

"He said something about a child..." The servant muttered less than confidently.

Isis' eyebrows shot up in the air, could it be? Did Horus and Hathor finally conceive?
There could be no better news than Hathor and Horus finally taking the next step.

Not having to be told twice, she rushed to the throne hall where everyone else was already gathered.
Even Maat and Thoth were there, sitting at the long table.

Horus, as always, had taken his place at the front of the table, Hathor to his left and...Seth to his right.
Isis frowned, that's where she was supposed to sit.

She didn't want to fight so she sat down next to Hathor and sent Seth a glare. He didn't reciprocate it, strangely enough.

"Is everyone here?" Horus looked at the people around the table. It seemed so. He was nervous as anyone would be with what he was about to announce. There really was no easy way to go about this.

He noticed the look Isis had given Seth when she came in. It was a long way before Isis would be ready to accept Seth again. But he wouldn't let that stop him from chasing his own happiness.

"Right, I asked all of you to come here today because along with Zeus' departure I have an important announcement to make."

Horus stood up and once again, let his gaze wander through the faces of his family and his new allies. He looked at Seth for reassurance and he gave him just the slightest nod, a sign for him to continue.

"Zeus and I have signed the treaty this morning, however, under different terms than we had originally discussed."

Maat frowned, "Can you elaborate?"

Horus nodded, "Of course, as you all know, we originally planned to send Ife back to Hellas with him as a sign of the treaty. I have decided that that won't be happening."

Isis chimed in, "What? But wasn't that the only reason why he even agreed to the treaty anyway?" she looked over at Zeus who leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed and a smug smile on his face.
"Isis, you're getting really worked up. Relax." Zeus said.

"Don't tell me what to–"


Isis huffed and leaned back in her chair and rolled her eyes, "Fine Horus, go on and explain then."

Horus took a deep breath in, "There is no need for Ife to go to Hellas seeing as how he has no connection to that land."

Now that made everyone frown again and Horus almost smiled. Suddenly he was excited to see the looks on their faces.

He decided to not make them wait any longer and answer the obvious question in the room, "That is because Ife is not Zeus' child. He is mine."

The silence was deafening, no one said a thing as their eyes widened and the their head turned to look between Seth and Horus.
Seth bit his lip and looked down, keeping himself from bursting into a cheeky smile.

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