The Son

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"This is outrageous! You had no right to bring him here!"

The morning had started off rather unpleasant for Ares. He had no intention of keeping Seth's presence a secret from the other gods and as soon as they were all assembled in the throne hall, reported on the events of last night.

"Are you suggesting I should have left him out there? Cold and malnourished as he is. What kind of sister are you." he asked teasingly as he faced Isis.

"He deserves no kindness. Your sympathy for my brother is uncalled for." The goddess reminded him so much of his mother. Both had the temper of a loose bull.

"That's not for you to decide!" Ares slammed his fist on the large table.

"Quiet!" Horus, who had kept his silence until now, spoke up. He looked around the room once until his eyes landed on Ares. How could it be that this foreign god had found his Uncle so soon, unlike Horus who was so familiar with the desert by now but still couldn't locate him?

"My mother is right. You shouldn't have brought him in without my permission. But seeing as how my Uncle is not a stranger and a part of our family, I will not punish you."

"Oh, how generous of you!" Ares spat, "What if I tell you that it's not just him I brought in here?"

"Who else?"

"A child. He had a young child with him." Ares looked once at every one of the gods in the room, "now, Isis, do you suggest Horus kicks both his Uncle and the child he was protecting out into the desert to die?"

That seemed to have hit a sore spot because Isis gritted her teeth and shook her head, "My words only applied to my brother. Don't bring an innocent child into this. Besides, we don't know Seth's association with it. Who knows where it came from."

"We shall find out then. Where are they now?" Horus softly swatted Hathor's hands away where they were resting on his shoulders.

"In my room, they haven't woken up yet."

Horus nodded and looked over at the god of wisdom, "Thoth, go and get them please."
The god smiled and nodded before he hurried off to fetch them. He didn't seem at all fazed by the situation.

Zeus had also been quiet for a while now. Instead of saying anything he had just sat quietly, tapping his foot with his eyebrows in a deep frown. Ares assumed his father had not expected to see his ex-lover so soon.

Isis sank down in her seat, letting out a sigh. Was anything she said even taken seriously at this point? At least Hathor didn't interfere and instead opted to be quiet and pretty. That's the only way Horus was allowing her to get close to him, after all. Isis was just waiting for a child at this point, hoping it would solidify their union forever.

If only Horus hadn't admitted to being interested in men she wouldn't have to worry so much about her son's sex life.

She didn't have time to think about it any longer when a shadow was cast onto the long table and everyone turned their head to look at the entrance.
There stood a man with, long raven hair, and a tired and malnourished physique. He was wearing nothing but a pair of dark harem pants, jewelry was long gone too.

By his side, a child held onto his leg. The young boy blinked slowly with eyes still droopy from sleep in the comfortable bed. He was dirty with dust from the sand he had gone to sleep in last night.

Isis took in the sight in front of her. She could barely recognize the once majestic brother she used to love and instead saw nothing but a suffering man. A burning ache spread through her chest as she reminded herself to be happy, to enjoy her victory.

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