chapter 2

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He woke up and groaned feeling excruciating pain over his head. he held his helmet and took it off before looking around and saw raven unconscious.he tried to move around and face her .

"Hey " he said shaking her after he took of her helmet . raven then woke up she also groaned taking a deep breath and took off her gloves and looked at Xavier . she touched her forehead "crap that can't be good" .

"yea no shit" .

When Clarke opened the pod door they both quickly looked at her.

"OH my God " she said while breathing heavily.

"Hi" raven said .

"We made it ? " clarke nodded giving both of them an excited smile.

They got out of the pod ,they took of their spacesuit . Raven was already looking around. He followed her footsteps taking in deep breathes and the new environment ,looking around the trees , he could hear the birds chirping and water running that brought a slight smile on his face ,he covered his eyes from the sun's brightness as he felt droplet hitting his face.

"I dreamed it would smell like this " raven looked at clarkes excited face "is this rain" she continued and clarke nodded "welcome home" she said with a smile . raven giggled

And a boy appeared running toward them calling ravens name .

Xavier turned around looking at him.

"finn" she said back running to him and holding his face .

looking over each other she said "I knew you couldn't be dead".

Finn kept looking at clarke that's when he realized something was going on .

"You're bleeding" the boy called finn said .

"I'm okay" raven replied then she threw herself on him kissing him. Xavier looked at clarke and saw she wasn't liking it and so did he ,he wanted to go already. For what was minutes felt like hours , ignoring their little reunion he remembered something . he went back to the dropship looking inside searching for the radio . he could hear them talking on the background .

"enough with your chit chat where's the damn radio" . that's when raven was already on her way to the pod checking again "the radio is gone" .

"No shit" the all looked at him and he stared back

"it must have gotten lost during reentry strap , STUPID ! " she said hitting the pod

"No, no this is my fault someone got here before us" she said looking at finn "we have to find him" she said walking away .Xavier followed them getting ahold of his gun

They caught up with him . "HEY ! " clarke yelled running to him and held his arm "where is it"

"Hey princess just taking a walk in the woods" .

Xavier got there before finn and raven he immediately caught the boys attention.the look in his eyes told him he was scarred .

"They're getting ready to kill 300 people there to save oxygen and I can guarantee you it won't be council members it will be working people, YOUR PEOPLE " she pointed at him while he seemed to be lost in thought

Finn showed up and pushed the boy "Bellamy, where's the radio " he was kinda amused until he registered the name .

"I don't know what you're talking about" he pushed back .

"Bellamy blake they're looking everywhere for you" .

"Shut up" he answered looking back at finn

"looking for him why" clarke said looking at raven .

𝗙𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 // Rᴀᴠᴇɴ RᴇʏᴇsWhere stories live. Discover now