chapter 3

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He was in his tent when he heard Bellamy talk .he walked out and saw finn and clarke talking .

he walked to them "what's going on out here".

She set her eyes off finn and looked at xavier .

"bellamys sister hasn't been back for the last 12hrs we're going out for her ,you should come" she said .

"Guys! guys come here" teenagers started muttering. xavier walked to where the commotion was , clarke followed leaving finn behind .they looked at the sky

"It didn't work they didn't see the flares" raven said looking above

"A meteor tells you that" Bellamy said

" it's not a meteor shower it's a funeral" she said looking at Bellamy "hundreds of bodies are returned to the earth from the ark this is what it looks like from the other side, They didn't get our message "

"This is all because of you" raven walked pass finn, finn held raven from bellamy . "I helped you find the radio" . "yea after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it" .

" yea he know now he's gonna live with it" .xaviers blood was boiling up , wishing it was neither his mom or Natalie part of the 300. he wanted to punch Bellamy so badly.

"All I know is my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her , you coming or what he looked at them

"then what are we waiting for move out !" he walked away

"We have to talk to them 300 won't be enough, the oxygen level will just keep dropping, if we don't tell them we can survive down here they'll kill more people they have too"she looked at finn, raven and xavier

"guys they're leaving we gotta go" all eyes were on the Googles boy .Finn turned to face raven .

"I gotta do this ,you should stay and fix the radio okay" .

"Fix it , the transmitter is trashed unless there's a part stick we're not talking to the ark" raven looked at Clarke .

"art supply store" she said. "I know a place you might get a transmitter" raven looked at finn and back at clarke .

"Great looks like you're coming with me instead"

"Finn we're not gonna find her without you" the guy with the Googles said

"Be careful" finn said looking back and forth at raven and clarke then at xavier.

"you coming " they all looked at him , no matter how much he wanted to take a nap or disliked Bellamy, the girl they're looking for did nothing so he agreed.

"yea" he said then they were back at finn and raven .

He walked toward the gate with jasper waiting for him to finish. While on the other hand jasper was scared

"Hi I'm jasper" he finally spoke . He looked at him "xavier" he shook his hand
"So you're really a guard" Xavier nodded

"let me tell you something, the're grounders here and they're probably the ones who took Octavia " finn caught up with them jasper was talking the whole trip , he did speak alot for a boy who was speared .they reached a place were the're alot of hanged skeletons in line .

"I don't know how to speak grounder , but I'm sure this means keep out " he looked at Bellamy, jasper kept quiet and looked at xavier.

"stay back if you want , my sister my responsibility" Bellamy started through the skeletons.

Everyone started muttering . "I'll go through hell to find her" jasper said which made xavier let out a small chuckle as he followed behind him.

"I think we just did" finn said as everyone followed behind them.

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