The 48 delinquents

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After Jada followed abby . I went in the ark walking through the hallway that was hanging wires looking for any signs of my mother but I couldn't find her . Then I heard gunshots outside, I ran out to that direction to find everyone looking at the treeline and Kane snatched the rifle at a man and said something to the guard with blonde hair that I couldn't hear , he then turned around.

"Unauthorized use of firearm will be punishable as felony under the Exodus charter ! " he shouted then continued.

"Is that clear ! " he said waiting for responses.

"Yes sir"

Abby walked up to Kane , I couldn't hear what she said as I was far but he looked at a guard .

"Move out , teams of three" the guard said.

"Yes ma'am" the other guards responded. Moving out .

Kane started to walk up the ark. He passed me like I'm not there.

"We need to go after them " I said to Kane and he came to a stop , looking back at .

I walked up to him "the grounders aren't merciful, the longer we do nothing it's the longer the possibilities of the delinquents being alive is". I said

Kane looked at me in the eyes "didn't you see I sent scout teams out" he said .

"They'll come back as dead bodies" I said standing true to my statement.

"None of you is telling us what we're up against " he said about to walk away.

"You want to help your friends , tell us everything you know about the grounders" he said.

I was getting irritated "knowing anything about the grounder will not help, all you need to know is wherever they are , they're getting tortured , send me out there " I said angrily.

"You aren't trained " he said trying to avoid the idea.

"I am " I said and he just left me there and went in the ark.

The whole afternoon I was debating if I should go see raven or not since abby finished doing surgery. I decided to go.
When I got there , raven was laying on a bed unconscious, her eyes with dark circles and her body dripping with sweat
And abby was tending to her legs . I was folding my arm together , standing at the entrance quietly looking at her and I was lost in thought and Jada showed up from nowhere .

"Xavier, what are you doing here " she said walking up to me. She looked at abby and raven then back at me.

At the sound of Jada , abby turned around looking at us and so did raven. Which I didn't notice she was awake.

"I- uhm I came here to talk to abby" I said at first stuttering as I unfolded my arm.

Abby walked up to us "I was actually looking for you" she said and I was holding myself from rolling my eyes.

I stayed quiet and she looked at Jada

"Can I please talk to him for minute " Jada nodded and went in to ravens side.

I looked at raven waiting for her to speak about my mother's whereabouts.

"About your mother she was in the farm station" abby said .

I stood there motionless. Then she continued.

"We haven't heard from the station since it separated" she said.

"Are you telling me there is a possibility that my mom could be dead" I ask looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Abby you promised me you would take care of her , you promised me you would heal her" without knowing I can feel tears threatening to fall but I didn't give in. Every kind of emotion rushing in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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