chapter 7

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"Come on these foxholes aren't gonna build themselves" Bellamy said checking everyone. I continued digging up the hole .minutes later there was a gunshot , xavier stood up following the voice of everybody to the boy

"Hey what the hell is the matter with you" Bellamy said walking up to him

"Sorry man I fell asleep , I've been on watch all day" he replied . "We've all been on watch all day" Bellamy walked to him and held him by his collar

I walked up to them and placed his hand on Bellamy shoulder "bellamy calm down" I said signaling that people are looking.

"That bullet was one less dead grounder" he said looking back and forth at the boy and me like I did something.

"Bell you're scaring people" Octavia said .

"They should be scared " he said without letting go to the boy then he did "the bomb on the bridge bought us sometime to prepare but that time is up" Bellamy made his speech

I looked at the boy and he really was tired so I took the gun from him "I'll take it from here , go do something else " I said making way for him to pass as he stood by the post , I continued to listen to Bellamy speech .

"The grounders are out there right now,waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do" he went silent then continued "clarke ,finn and monty are gone, probably dead , And if you wanna be next , I can't stop you but no guns are leaving this camp, this camp is the only thing keeping us alive , Get back to work"

Few hours layer, I was still guarding at the gate when my walkie talkie beeped then jaspers voice came up "Murphy has a gun , he killed myles" then a sound of gun hitting someone . I stood up quickly and I was sick of this murphy guy anyway .

"Mason " I called going down the ladder .

"Yes" he replies looking at me.

let's switch, be on the lookout " I said making my way to the dropship that was closing up and Bellamy was already there.

"If you try to be the hero jasper dies" Murphy says from the inside of the dropship.

"What going ?" I asked as they were all waiting at the door .

"Murphy is holding jasper hostage and we gotta do something fast" Bellamy says walking to his tent.

"Any ideas" I asked.

"Not yet but we can't afford to let them stop working " Bellamy says.

It stays silent for a while "the dropship has to have a panel or door somewhere" I was just guessing.

"Good , we need to check that out" Bellamy says .

Raven walks in "I just heard murphy is holding jasper hostage , what's the plan" raven asks looking at us but mostly at Bellamy .

"Someone needs to find a panel in the dropship" Bellamy says.

"I'll-" when I was about to speak raven cuts me off . "I'll do it" she says .

Bellamy nods and looks at me "then Cameron we need to need to keep the people working". And I understood that.

The whole night they were guarding the gate and trying to keep the delinquents working . I was with raven searching for a panel and we found a loose one at the back .

"Xavier was right , there was a loose panel on the back , if I can pop it , we can get in through the floor " raven says looking at Bellamy.

"Good , do it" Bellamy says .me and raven were about to leave .

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