chapter 6

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I was trying to get away from raven because ever since I saved her on the bridge she has been ignoring me and acting like I'm not there . I was in the dropship jasper needed my help with making the gunpowder he said. I don't know exactly how because I was thinking about raven while he was speaking the whole time

"Xavier " he said looking up at me

"mmh- ,what ? " I looked back at him

"I asked you to get charcoal like 5 minutes ago" he said

"Oh yea sorry " I said and a thud came from outside . "Whoa guys , the fire" I ran out the dropship to the smokehouse to see it burning. Bellamy was holding Octavia while she was coughing.

murphy launched himself at del the one who set the fire up "This is all your fault, we told you it was too much wood"

"Get away from me " del said and murphy punched him .me and bellamy went forward at the same time "Hey ,Hey Hey " Bellamy said

"What the hell are you both doing " I said as i pulled del ,anger washing over me and bellamy pulled murphy

"Save it for the grounders " Bellamy said

"Bell,now what the hell are we gonna do that was all the food " Octavia said. Everyone went silent as I shoved del away and walked away


IN THE MORNING everyone was going to hunt food since del burned it all , I was not going since bellamy and clarke were , no one was willing to be in charge while they were gone . I was about to switch turns with Miller when I saw raven leave the camp ,I wanted to ignore her but she looked upset so I followed her

"Raven !" when she heard me call her she stared walking faster

"Hey!" I said as I pulled her arm turning her to face me and she pulled her arm roughly from my grasp. "Where the hell are going " I said

"Can't you see i'm leaving this hell hole" she said angrily

"Where the hell are you gonna go huh ? ,cause I assure you you're not safer outside than inside those walls and you'll die in less than hours if you leave " I said

"Well I'm gonna figure something out and find a safer place" she said and started walking away

"Is this about finn and clarke or me saving you on that bridge "I said

she stopped and turned " It has nothing to do with any of you "

"Are you sure because ever since I saved you from the bridge you've been ignoring me and acting like I'm not there, you can't leave because of finn " she looked like she wasn't having it and wanted to leave

"Raven look we need you, I need you.we would be dead without you here. I mean you built-up the pod from scratch, fixed the radio so the ark will know we're down here, made a bomb out of thin and made gunpowder for the bullets which saved everyone from the grounders, I bet the're plenty of ideas in that head of yours" I never said or needed anyone in my life but that made a little smile come on her face .

"Radios , walkie talkies"she said

"See , now come on reyes do your thing " I said smiling at her so we stayed silent then I left she followed after


IT WAS LATE and I was tired ,being a leader wasn't something that I would be it was tiring , so I went back to my tent going to take a nap since bellamy came back .when I got there raven was Sitting on my bed ,she stood up when she saw me walk in

"Raven what are you doing here late " I said as i took off my jacket

"finn and clarke aren't back yet" she said

"What do you want me to do, go and find them" I said knowing what she was thinking about what they were doing together

"I need an distraction " she said fast and firm

"A distraction " then I realized what she meant by distraction "raven you're probably mad and not thinking straight, your gonna regret this afterwards, leave and go think through"

She walked up to me on her way she took off her jacket and t-shirt, she wrapped her arms around my neck "I need this" .her lips came crashed into mine and I kissed her back passionately while holding the back of her neck. I kissed her down her neck and my hands went down to her waist. Her hands moved to my belt and I also helped her with her jeans .when we done I picked her up and we landed on the bed .she groaned as I trailed my tongue down her stomach leaving hickies. She scratched my back with her fingernails while I was buried inside her .I held her hands up against the bed. We stayed like that until we tired, I got off her panting .we were both on our back and taking deep breathes. She then woke up and wore her clothes

"Did that distract you ?" I said

"No" she said then walked out . that hurt my feelings but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, but it was only a distraction nothing genuine .I wanted to take a nap

Later Octavia walked in my tent "we're going to look for finn, clarke and myles they aren't back yet" damn raven you jumped into conclusions before hearing who they were with I thought. "Yea , I'm behind you" she then left ,I stood up and wore my clothes

Monty,Octavia ,Bellamy and raven were already outside .when I looked at raven she was trying not to make eye contact. Bellamy gave me a walkie talkie then he saw hickies around my neck

"Cameron got laid ,how was it since it's probably your first on the ground" he said teasingly "I know you haven't had it for like what probably a month but we're at war here"

I snatched the walkie talkie "do you think I don't know that" I walked in the woods alone then monty came up in the walkie talkie

" Is anyone else hearing signals " he said

"Just keep your eyes open " raven said afterwards

"It's the same thing we heard on the black box " monty said

"Monty ,Pay attention , do you see anything ,report " then it was silent

"There's someone in the bushes" raven said . I then turned to their direction. When I got there I saw myles injured.bellamy was already there

"Where are they"raven asked

"grounders took them" myles said struggling to talk

" take it easy ,we have to get him to camp" Bellamy said

"Bell ,what about finn and clarke " Everyone went silent then raven stood up when I was about to stop her bellamy did

"Raven, I'm sorry" he said. She just stood there then said "We have to make a stretcher"

"Monty, we are heading home ,you copy" and nothing came from monty . "Monty can you hear me" nothing again. I pressed the walkie "monty come in" I said "monty where the hell are you" I continued. I wanted to go look for him but Bellamy thought otherwise, I guess we were leaving everyone to die out here .I ended up going since we hand to plant landmines and make foxhole

Well guess what , raven was ignoring me again .

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