chapter 5

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I didn't leave with the others to check out the ship . I was training the delinquents all day and taking turns guarding the gate until night came

"Somebody hit the trip fire " derek said . I moved closer to the gate as the other delinquents started chattering

"I got nothing connor " derek said " nothing " Connor replied

"Something moved" . That's when I walked outside the gate and they started shooting

"Hold your fire" i yelled from outside.Connor , Octavia and derek followed me .when we got there .there was a boy holding his knees to his chest. I reached out to touch him then moved away

I pointed the gun at him then Octavia called out his name "Murphy" .I looked at her

" you know this guy" I said .

"Yes , he used to be one of the delinquents " Connor replied

"Get him inside" I said looking at the boy called murphy

"But Bellamy and cl-" I cut him off

"Do you see them here" i said harshly, Connor went silent "get him in the dropship " .Connor and the derek picked him up . I was sick and tired of clarke and bellamy said 'this and that' shit .

I was looking at him ,he was covered in mud and blood. He was shivering that's when Clarke and bellamy walked in

" where is he " Bellamy stopped infront of him followed by clarke " Everyone but Connor and Derek out, NOW " . I stood there still looking at Murphy

"He claims he was with the grounders"derek said

"We caught him sneaking back in camp"connor said

"I wasn't sneaking, I was running away from the grounder " speaking seemed like it was painful

" Anyone see grounders" Bellamy said. Connor and Derek said no

" well in that case " he pointed the gun at Murphy which I quickly reacted by holding "Hey ,hey " still not knowing what he did

"What wrong with you" finn said standing infront of Murphy

"We were clear what would happen if he came back" he said

" no if he was with the grounders ,he knows things that can help us" finn yelled

" help us ? We hanged him , we banished him now we're gonna kill him, get the hell out of my way " Bellamy said

"No Finn's right " clarke said moving to kneel infront of Murphy

" like hell he is , clarke think about Charlotte" Bellamy said. Who is Charlotte he asked himself

Clarke looed up at Bellamy"I am thinking about her but what happened to Charlotte was as much our as his" she said looking at Murphy " he's not lying his fingernails are torn off, they totured him "

"Compare notes with the grounders " finn said

" the grounders know we're at war , what did you tell them about us "

" Everthing" Murphy said . I knew that wasn't good .Clarke stoop up at looked at Bellamy

"Once he's better, we find out what he knows then he's out of here, okay"

"What if doesn't leave ,what do we do with him then" clake stops on her way out of the dropship . "Then we kill him" she said and left


I was standing at the gate when Connor started coughing out blood , his mouth covered with blood "Where's clarke" I said looking for any signs of clarke she came out of the tent followed by raven with a rag . Everyone started chattering

"What's happening" raven said ,then derek started coughing

"What's going on" I asked as clarke had blood around her eyes

" get away from us both of you they're are the ones that brought Murphy in " clarke walked to the dropship

I looked at them " Connor ,derek follow her to the dropship " they followed clarke

I stayed outside trying to get the delinquents to calm down and not letting my guard down. Clarke called saying she needs to check everyone that touched Murphy

Derek is dead

While I was on my way to the dropship ramp , I felt something run down my nose when I touched it there was blood and I instantly felt my knees become weak . I almost fell down when I was caught by bellamy holding a rag against his nose

"I got you" he said , walking me in the dropship calling for clarke . Clarke rushed to look at me

"he was with connor and derek when they found murphy" Bellamy said. they placed me on a free mattress. I couldn't hear anything after that as I was throwing up blood it felt like my insides where going to come out , I couldn't even turn around, when I tried to wipe of the blood my hands were shaking. I was running out of breath , That's when I closed my eyes . I'd wake up from time to time to throw up , I felt cold and it was hard to breathe. When I woke up there was chattering outside. I tried to stand up but couldn't, I'm body was boiling and I was thirsty .Octavia walked in the dropship with a cup of water and sat beside me ,she held my head and placed the cup on my lips for me to drink . It didn't feel like I was drinking anything. She put down the cup and took a rag and started cleaning my face it didn't help as I kept throwing up in the bucket . Days went by and I was starting to feel better. When I got better I wanted to be out of that place and return to shooting and apparently . I was immune to virus since I had it

Jasper filled me on about blowing up the bridge to slow the grounders down which I thought was a great idea .
It was night and I was standing with jasper when bellamy called him aside they were talking about something ,the next thing bellamy fell and jasper tried to help him up and he stopped him and said "Make the shot and find finn" . I helped bellamy up but he refused at first

" it's fine , I'm immune now " he then relaxed and let me help ."thank you " he mumbled weakly.

"Glad to return the favor" He hung his arm around my neck, I was basically dragging him to the dropship as he was weak , I got him inside and we were greeted by Octavia. I placed him on a Matt , I left the dropship and went straight to Monty and jasper tent

"Hey where's jasper " I asked as I held the tent

"He went after raven with finn" monty said

"What ?!" I looked at him, how could she go alone . I truly care about her , I can't let her die "Put on your shoe's we're going after them" I said

He stood up immediately, took a gun and ran after them , we didn't take any breaks. When we saw the view of the bridge we saw little lights and war drums .we got closer there was finn shouting for raven to move "RAVEN GET OUT OF THERE NOW" he was hesitant to go in the bridge. jasper was out of bullets behind a bush where monty went and joined him

I was thinking finn would run to her as the grounders got closer to the bridge .I ran past him and in the bridge when I got there raven was almost unconscious. I held her bridal style to my way back from the bridge

"SHOOT! Jasper SHOOT! " Finn yelled

When we got were finn was . I didn't even let go of raven .I looked at raven and didn't care if finn was there or not

!! BOOM !! Jasper made the shot . I carried raven the whole way to camp, she just kept groaning. When we got there everyone was clapping, I didn't care about the people around, I just wanted raven better . I got her in the dropship and put her on a swing bed. I left her there went to help guard now that we are at war we have to be extra careful .

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