Chapter 30

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The sound of marching feet echoed for miles, the beat of drums hung in the air, and war banners flew in the wind as General Sung Yang rode at the front of a column of four hundred warriors. As they moved through the Capital City the nobility looked at the formation in absolute awe, some children running along side the formation waving and laughing. Beside him June rode silently, her eyes pointed forward. June had a look of determination in her eyes even now, many of the Yang warriors had similar looks. When Kurn and those who followed him turned on Sung those many years ago a battle had almost broken out In Castle Yangs throne room, Sung could recall it vividly, swords leaving their scabbards, warriors taking firebending stances.

Sung recalled how hurt he had felt when he saw so many people that he saw as extensions of his family rise up against him...he had always suspected Kurn would attempt something even if it had just been him questioning Sung's rule but one betrayal had hurt more than others...when Sakue entered Sung's throne room along with Kurn. Before June it had been Sakue who commanded the Sun Dao Defense Forces...Sung had known her since he was a boy and had thought of her like an Aunt he had looked up to her as any child would look up to their elders. He knew Kurn would have to pay for his rebellion but if Sung ever met Sakue on the battlefield he knew that would be one death that would haunt him for the rest of his days.

Those with him probably had similar thoughts, none pleased at the prospect of meeting people they had once called friends in battle, but every Yang warrior knew they were honor bound to fight for the Fire Nation, that and in some way the warriors with Sung were looking for revenge, they saw Kurn and the warriors who had left with him as spitting in the face of everything that House Yang stood for, they had betrayed the Bushido code, and the only payment for such a betrayal was a dishonorable death.

The gates of the Palace were fast approaching, thankfully the crowd that had been there two days ago had since departed. Sung thought if they had been there when he and his warriors arrived then the presence of a military force would have only added fuel to their fire, they would have most likely thought Sung was there to force them to disperse and as angry as they had been they would have most likely started fighting Sung's troops...and that would have just been a Political Victory for the Rebels, they would have preached that Zuko was a tyrant that was afraid of criticism, more would have almost assuredly joined the cause, even if Sung had no intention of breaking up the protests.

Shouting could be heard from the other side of the gates as the army approached, soon the creaking of the gates hinges could be heard as members of the Royal Processions pulled them back and allowed Sung and those with him entry. The formation made its way onto the Palace grounds in the distance Sung could see Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Sokka and about eight women all wearing the green uniform of Kyoshi warriors flanked around Zuko.

Reaching the steps of the Palace, Sung held up a hand and officers of the various companies began to shout calling the formations to a halt the drums falling silent, the only sound now being the flapping of flags as they blew in the wind. Two warriors stepped forward, one grabbing the reins of Sung's Ostrich Horse while another took June's both of them stepping off and walking up to Zuko. Sung feeling a sudden sense of Anxiety upon seeing the Kyoshi warriors up close. The last time their paths had crossed Sung accidentally made one hit their head on the treads of a tank train and had choked another one to the point that they passed out.

"Zuko." Sung said ignoring Royal formality as he stepped to the side. "I brought you a gift." He said as he held a hand out and presented the Yang Warriors. "Three hundred Infantry, one hundred Calvary all highly trained and ready to be deployed. All the best that the Fire Nation has to offer."

Zuko looked over the warriors and nodded. "You certainly don't travel light."

"They wanted to come." Sung informed Zuko with a laugh. Sung then looked to June. "This is June, Commander of the Sun Dao Defense Forces...though given the circumstances I took the liberty of giving her a field commission as a Colonel since my forces are going to be absorbed into the Army. I also took the time to assign each person with me a rank fitting their role as a battalion sized force."

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