Chapter 33

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"Come one come all, step up and take your shot at dunk the Fire lord!" An announcer called out holding a paper megaphone in an attempt to draw a crowd. Azula could see it had worked as a line of people stood in front of a dunk tank. On the seat of the tank said a man wearing what looked to be a wig, a comically large Fire Lords crown in the top knot, his beard longer than fathers had ever been and red make up around the face.

"Bow down to me peasants!" The "Fire Lord" said to the crowd. "I am the biggest and he baddest Fire Lord who ever lived!" This earned him some very light hearted boos. And a thunder of applause as a ball rang true and hit the target sending him into the water.

Azula walked towards the tank, spotting her mother, Noren, Kiyi, and Nikkō at the back of the line. Ursa spotted her first and smiled. "I was hopping you would join us." Her mother said. "Can't have a family fun day without the rest of the family!" Azula almost fainted then and there at her mothers words. For so long all she had ever wanted was her mothers love and acceptance. After so long it would seem she had finally got it.

"I didn't want to miss this." Azula said nodding to the tank. "He and I have some unfinished business." She said it in a joking manner but the words rang true. After everything Azula had done for her father and after everything he had put her through, Azula thought a little payback was in order.

Noren put a hand around Ursa's lower back and smirked at Azula. "You're not the only one. He ruined our engagement...of course for Ursa I would have gladly waited a century to get her back."

"You're such a sweet talker." Ursa said as she kissed Noren on his cheek. What Azula saw in that moment were two people who were madly in love, what her mother and Noren had wasn't anything like what her mother and her father had all those years ago, her mother and father's marriage was one that had been based on the sole purpose of producing precautionary heirs to the Royal Family, nothing more. She was in fact happy for her mother and what she had found.

Nikkō and Kiyi on the other hand looked at what was happening behind them and let out a loud "eww." In unison.

Ursa laughed. "You girls laugh but some day that special somebody is going to come along and sweep you off your feet, and some day your children will look at you and your partner and say the exact same thing that you just said."

"And the cycle will continue." Noren added with a laugh.

"Not me!" Nikkō said. "I'm not getting married until I'm a hundred!" She said it with such confidence and such determination that Azula had to cover her mouth to keep from bursting into laughter.

Kiyi took note of Azula's reaction and raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay Azula?" She asked with genuine concern.

Azula let out a series of coughs. "I-I'm fine." She said still fighting the laugher, it was odd that when you couldn't laugh is when you wanted to laugh the hardest. "I just have a frog in my throat." She reassured her. Kiyi looked as if she didn't buy Azula's answer but turned back to face ahead.

The line moved rather quickly as people took their shot to dunk "Ozai" while he gave out childish taunts to egg them on. With every successful hit a round of clapping erupted. Soon it was Nikkō's  turn and the Announcer smiled and bowed to her before bringing up his megaphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, Lady Nikkō Yang has stepped up to the plate to try her luck!" At the very mention of a Yang being present the crowd was worked into a frenzy of cheers. "Let's hope her throw rings true!"

"Hey Lady Nikkō!" "Ozai said holding his hands beside his head, thumbs touching his temples and fingers spread out in a taunting gesture. "I bet you're gonna miss!"

Nikkō had a large grin on her face as she handed the announcer a copper coin and he handed her a black ball about the size of her palm. "I hope your thirsty!" She taunted back, the girl was firecracker. Nikkō spun up her arm preparing to pitch.

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