003 - nice 2 meet u

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"𝐀𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬, 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧."

Professor Azar said, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. He was one of those teachers almost everyone on campus knew. His face bore a stoic expression as he turned to write something on the large board in the front of the room. Y/n opened her textbook to the pages she had read in advance a few days before. 

The pages were folded messily to act as bookmarks. Small sticky notes with page numbers, quotes, and important pieces of information were placed on some of the pages, along with a few doodles Y/n drew in class when she was bored. If one could guess, you could easily tell this was a subject most people, including Y/n, weren't quite fond of. 

As her professor began to drawl on and on about some topic, Y/n looked out of the window next to her seat. The sky began to dim, and the trees of the academy's courtyard began to sway. By the time the lecture ended, it began to rain. This was an unfortunate occasion for most students, as most classes took place in the buildings across the one they were in currently. 

Y/n rushed to her next class, which took place in the west building, more popularly known among students as the falcon. Each building of the Teyvat Academia had it's own nickname, which was determined by the statue of the 4 winds carved at their entrance. The Lion of the South Building, The Dragon of the East Building, The Falcon of the West Building, and the Wolf of the North Building. 

As she took the covered area of the courtyard, the distressed student ran as quickly as she could. 15 minutes. That was enough time. The wind began to pick up; and the downpour of rain began to become stronger. From the corner of her eye, crossing over the courtyard to take a shortcut to their next building, Y/n could spot a few students using their bags as an umbrella.

Suddenly, someone dashed in front of her. Mumbling a quick sorry, the stranger took off into the distance. Y/n fell backward, her legs touching the wet, muddy pavement. Thankfully, she was walking on the covered area, so she wasn't completely soaked. 

"Crap. What am I supposed to do now?" Y/n thought, trying to get up from the ground. A hand met her forehead, and an unfamiliar presence loomed above her. 

"Are you alright?" A strong voice asked. As the confused girl looked up, she met  the eyes of an unfamiliar student. They offered a hand towards Y/n, which she gladly took. As she quickly thanked the stranger, Y/n's eyes scanned their appearance.

Long, Brown hair, slightly tanned skin, and bright Blue eyes. They looked to be a few inches taller than Y/n, but they were clearly the same age. "You should be careful around these parts of the courtyard. They get slippery when it rains." They spoke again. This time, Y/n could clearly tell the voice belonged to a girl.

"My name's Dehya. Nice to meet you." The unfamiliar, now somewhat familiar person said. Y/n was in awe. How could someone have such a bold yet calming aura? "C'mon. Let's head inside. The rain's not stopping anytime soon." Catching her off guard, Dehya put her arm around Y/n's shoulder, carefully walking with her to their next destination.

" Catching her off guard, Dehya put her arm around Y/n's shoulder, carefully walking with her to their next destination

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As they walked in the building together, the hurried footsteps of students across the hallway could be heard. "Sounds like a real party in here." Y/n said. "Sure is, wonder what's going on." Dehya replied. The bell rang as soon as they took a few steps into the hall.

"Welp, gotta bounce. It was nice meeting you. Here's my number if you wanna shoot me a text after class." Dehya said, handing Y/n a minimalistic designed business card. "I will! It was nice meeting you, Dehya." Y/n said, taking the business card and bowing to show respect. A thought popped up in her head. 'WHY WOULD I BOW??? THAT WAS SO AWKWARD WTF' 

Before Y/n could finish mentally facepalming,  Dehya smiled, waving to her before walking away.

y/n.exe has stopped working. error:"omgomgogmgomg dehya was so hot for that"

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A/N !! 

Hi everyone! It's been a hot minute. How are you all?? <3

Sorry for the delay, school's been keeping me busy; but i'll do my best to continue writing the upcoming chapters quickly!! 

Who knows? Maybe we'll get a silly little surprise from Dehya next chapter! 

Thats all. Thank you so much for your support!

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐔𝐌. / Al-Haitham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now