Chapter 10

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Me and Lucian were outside training our shooting skills. Lucian had water pellets floating behind him. As every second passed by, it equaled a water pellet hitting the targets attached to the school forest trees.

I had an ice wall behind me, but when I willed it to do so, shards of ice would be shot out of the wall towards the targets. This went on for quite some time until I decided to stop for a water break.

Lucian had no problem with that, he just continued training and pointed at a water bottle that he had left on top of a chopped tree trunk for me.

Funny thing is that ever since me and Luni had gotten together, he's been a whole lot more lenient with me. I guess all he really wanted was to have Faria to himself after all.

So while Lucian kept practicing his aim, I sat down on the tree trunk and drink some water. "Hey, what do you think the girls are doing right now?" I asked.

"They said they wanted to go and report to Principal Zey about Chalk's actions in the Café earlier. My guess after that? No idea." Lucian answered as he kept his focus.

"Hm.. and Chalk... what do you think he's up to now..?" I added. Lucian paused for a moment and faced me. "I'm just gonna hope that he doesn't cause another mess like that again." Lucian wished.

"Yeah, we should probably get back as soon as we can." I suggested before hearing a twig snap through the forest hedge. Me and Lucian both looked towards the direction of the snapping sound and waited.

A long moment of silence later, a dragon girl slowly flapped her wings over the hedge.

A long moment of silence later, a dragon girl slowly flapped her wings over the hedge

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"H-hey... i-is this Paken Academy..?" The girl asked. "Uhm.. yes it is, but who exactly are you?" I remained skeptical. "I-I'm Ruby. I'm a new transfer student." The girl dubbed 'Ruby' responded.

"Well if that's the case, you completely missed the entrance at the front." I said bewildered. "Oh I'm sorry.. my vision's blurry in one eye so I'm not too good at directions." Ruby apologized.

"Hm.. come on. We'll take you to see the Principal." Lucian flapped his wings. We both took to the skies and told Ruby to follow us to Principal Zey's office.

As we flew over the main academy building, we saw an open window and flew through it. I looked around to find Principal Zey drinking his smoking hot coffee.

"Mr. Zey, there's someone we brought you to meet." Lucian revealed Ruby to him. "Hi sir.." Ruby waved. "Oh hello there!" Mr. Zey got up out of his chair.

"My utmost apologies for not showing up when you entered the veil. I had some very urgent business to take care of with an out of line student. What's more important is that you're here now." Mr. Zey put a hand on her shoulder.

"Now tell me, what is your name again little dragonling?" Mr. Zey asked. "Ruby. Ruby Torē." Ruby responded. "Splendid. Welcome to Paken Academy." Mr. Zey gave her a warm welcome.

"T-thank you sir." Ruby blushed. "Silver. Lucian." Mr. Zey called for us. He had our attention. "May you please escort Miss Torē to the dorms? Her room is room #25." Principal Zey threw the keys towards me.

I caught the keys, but I thought I didn't catch the Principal's words right. "Uhm.. sir. I would like to say that her sharing a room with HIM is guaranteed to have disaster all over it." I tried my best to keep my composure.

"You have no need to worry about Chalk's shenanigans anymore. I gave him a very... stern, talking to." Principal Zey paused mid sentence. "Alright sir... I just hope you're right about this." I said before leaving with Lucian and Ruby, flying out of the window.

As we flew towards the dorms, A few others happened to join us as well. Lele and Leo. "Heyy what's up gang-who's the newbie?" Leo asked. "Oh this is Ruby. Ruby, meet Leo. Leo, Ruby." I introduced.

"Hello. I-it's really nice to meet you." Ruby waved at them. "Aww she's adorable-OH MY GOSH! Why is your chest so big?!" Lele sounded extremely surprised. Leo lightly bonked her on the head.

"If we ain't looking at it, or mentioning it, you shouldn't either." Leo said sternly. Ruby covered her chest, looking uncomfortable. "Anywho, what y'all doing?" Leo asked us as we landed in front of the dorms.

"We're just taking her to the dorms to get her settled into her room." Lucian answered. "But here's the worst part, she's sharing a room with Chalk. Chalk of all people!" I added as we walked inside down the halls.

"Hey! That's my big cousin you're talking about." Ruby grew loud all of a sudden. "Wait.. HE is YOUR cousin?!" Leo asked dramatically. Ruby nodded. "Holy hell.." I rubbed my head

"What did my cousin even do..? For you to not like him so much..?" Ruby asked obliviously. We stopped dead in our tracks, and we all slowly looked at her. "Are you sure you want to know..?" Lucian asked. "Mhm" Ruby nodded.

One detailed Chalk-centered recap later...

"No way... w-well I'm sure he had his reasons one way or another." Ruby tried to speak of Chalk in a positive light. "No he did not. He completely overdid it! And he hasn't even told me why he hates my guts yet!" I exclaimed.

"Please, don't put any of it against him. He's had a really hard life ever since the death of Auntie and Uncle. He doesn't have anybody besides me and a grandma who's laying on her death bed." Ruby emphasized.

"I don't give a flying f*ck what he's been through. It doesn't give him the rights to brutalize anyone he comes across." I rebutted. Then a moment later before Ruby could say something back, I heard Luni and Faria scream an ear shattering scream.

Wasting no time, me and everyone else ran as fast as we could to get there. A few halls later, we found something absolutely gruesome.

Faria and Luni had tears running down there face as they stared at a severed dragon head. "Mr. Bitch..." Leo couldn't believe what he was seeing. As his horn hung off our door knob, there was something written on our door.

'Until we meet in a field of blood.'

As blood dripped from the writing and the head, I noticed that there was black and white pin on the ground.

As blood dripped from the writing and the head, I noticed that there was black and white pin on the ground

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