Chapter 20

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I watched as the permafrost ice collapsed in front of me. It looked pretty, but at the same time it made me question a few things. My capabilities, my morals, my goals, and who I was.

Then next thing I knew, I grew tired again. My skin felt softer, my complexion returned to normal, my emotions were realigned, my vision grew weary, and my head felt more comfortable.

My body felt normal again, back at its original form. But due to how much energy I used before I went into... whatever that was, It felt like I was gonna collapse if even tried to create a popsicle.

I took one last look at Chalk's icy bloody remains, but something different happened this time. A silver smokey structure resonated off of Chalk's disassembled corpse, and formed itself into a shiny silver ball, covered by a strong wind energy.

I couldn't tell what was happening, but before I even had time to process what I had seen, the silver colored sphere rushed at me and pushed itself deep inside of my chest, but no blood was spilled.

I fell down, feeling immense pain for the past minute. It felt like a needle was shot at my heart, and the wounds multiplied every second. But as I rolled around in pain, a silver glow shined from the inside of my chest.

Once the pain decreased, I stood back up, hoping to endure the rest of the pain. Not able to hold it in anymore, I roared as loud as I could. Raging wind surged all around me as the permafrost icicles flew around in the windy hurricane.

Once I calmed down, the air grew at ease once more. The icicles returned to the ground. The trees had stopped bending. "I... what?" I put my hand on my chest as the silver glow slowly began to cease along with the leftover pain.

I glanced at my surroundings... my utterly destroyed and depressed surroundings that is. "Did... I-no... did we.. do all this?" I asked myself. "No sh*t moron." Chalk's voice rang in my head.

I looked around and saw that Chalk was nowhere to be seen. It was just me in the middle of an unrecognizable crater filled school field. I had no time to question things though. Not when I saw a huge hurricane of blue fire erupt at the academy entrance.

It felt so hot, that I checked to see if my skin was melting at all. I wanted to check and see what was going on, but then I saw Mr. Mage fly over to my location. He saw me, and landed right in front of me.

"Silver! Are you alright? Are you hurt-oh who am I kidding of course you're hurt.." Mr. Mage shook his head. "I-I'm fine sir." I answered him anyways, despite a few new scars I had on my body.

Mr. Mage looked around at the desolated area. "Oh my... you really did a number on this place. Wait, where's Chalk?" Mr. Mage questioned. I pointed all around me, showing his cold disassembled body parts scattered across the zone.

"Oh wow! You're more ruthless than I thought." Mr. Mage patted me on the back. It hurt a little, but I laughed it off. "So what're you doing here? Shouldn't you be helping them fight off the humans?" I quizzed.

"I was, but then I wondered why only Leo came up to help us after Lele was shot down. So I left the rest to Mr. Taburn and the others, and came back here just in case you needed help, or if the other students were in danger-" Mr. Mage explained, but all of a sudden a very loud crash was heard inside of the school building.

"So... I'm guessing that also counts as danger right?" I asked sarcastically. "Obviously." Mr. Mage responded as he and I ran towards the building. We entered and saw no one in sight, but the screams of many grew louder.

We ran down the halls, and bodies started appearing. A trail of blood followed along to each and every single one of them. We followed the dead bodies and it lead us to the remaining students on one side of the building.

They looked at me in fear for a moment, but calmed down soon after. I looked around and saw that Luni was nowhere to be found. "W-wait.. where's Luni?!" I worried. Not long after, a loud 'zap' and 'crash' was heard from behind the school.

"You stay here! I'll go and deal with this!" Mr. Mage demanded as he aimed his at the wall, and it was blown away. "No wait! I can fight too-" "Look at yourself silver!!" Mr. Mage grabbed my wrist, showing me the tatters on my hand.

"This isn't the time to play hero. I know you're strong, but you're not invincible. Now stay here and protect the others!" Mr. Mage let go of me, and soared out of the broken wall.

I still decided to take a look out there myself, and saw Luni standing on the ground on the ground, with her left arm dripping blood. Mr. Mage flew by her side soon enough, but when he looked up, his expression was a priceless one that spelled surprise.

Two individuals flew up in the air, laughing menacingly. It was a female dragon with purple eyes along with a male human that had glowing green eyes.

 It was a female dragon with purple eyes along with a male human that had glowing green eyes

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Mr. Mage looked at the dragon woman, not paying attention to the flying human. "Skyla... is that you..?" Mr. Mage uttered. The dragon woman dubbed 'Skyla' looked at Mr. Mage as if she didn't know that he was present.

"Hubby! W-what're you doing here?!" Skyla looked at him shocked. "Honey... your eyes..." Mr. Mage's sorrow filled face turned to anger as he looked towards the human.

"What did you do to her?!" Mr. Mage fumed with rage. "No need to worry about that. This is merely a power she's been storing all along as she carried out my bidding." The man chuckled.

"What're you talking?!" Mr. Mage grew frustrated. "Sir. She's the one-" Luni had a ice shard thrown at her by Skyla, but Mr. Mage stopped it midair, letting it fall afterwards.

"Speak." Mr. Mage turned to Luni. "Don't you dare-" Skyla threatened, but Luni payed no mind to her. "She's the one who's been killing the whole time! She was pretending to be weak the entire time!" Luni uncovered.

Mr. Mage, looking as if he saw a ghost, slowly set his eyes back on Skyla. "Skyla... is this true..?" Mr. Mage questioned, looking like he was on the brink of tears. Skyla's face showed utter despair.

One heated moment of silence later, her despair turned into laughter. Skyla began to laugh uncontrollably, like she wasn't able to control herself anymore.

She formed a smile, but tears began to leave her eyes as dark energy swirled around her body. "I didn't want you to find out this way..." Skyla said in a tone that spelled out sweet, and psycho.

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