Chapter 13

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Ruby summoned dirt pillars from the ground and directed them towards Faria. Faria didn't run or fly away, but she instead rushed at the pillars like she was ready to cause havoc.

Faria ignited her fists and  jumped towards one of the pillars, punching it. Huge chunks of dirt were blown away from the attack.

Faria proceeded to keep going as she jumped and flipped around, punching and dodging every pillar that came her way. While she was occupied with the pillars, Ruby summoned large spikes underneath the rampantly moving Faria.

Faria saw this, and was already flying in the air, rushing towards Ruby at top speed. Faria spit fire at Ruby, but Ruby quickly put up a stone wall to defend herself.

Using it to her advantage, Faria ran up the wall, and flipped over it to the other side just for dramatic effect. She dived towards Ruby at top speed, but Ruby was quick enough to jump at her and punch her with all she had.

Faria had gotten punched so hard that she staggered a bit before Ruby had started chasing her around with giant boulders following behind her. They zoomed around for a little while, but Faria barely got hit by a single one.

Faria suddenly landed on the ground, and swung her hand at Ruby. A wall of fire quickly headed towards Ruby. Ruby instead used one of the giant boulders to defend herself, and the rest of the boulders to send at Faria.

Faria saw this coming, and took to the skies once more. Ruby moved the Boulder out of her way, and zoomed to Faria. Faria wasn't actually doing anything that time, but instead she just waited.

That was until Ruby decided to throw a mean punch at Faria. She not only ducked the punch, but palmed Ruby in the stomach and blasted her with fire so hard that an explosion occurred.

"Oh my god... is she okay?" I asked worriedly. "I hope so-" Lucian said before Ruby fell straight to the ground. Leo clicked his tongue. "Yeah that girl is gone." Leo shook his head.

As if nothing happened, Faria calmly descended and picked up the unconscious Ruby, putting her over her shoulder despite her large breasts. "That was phenomenal work!" Mrs. Maia clapped.

"Very true, now have a seat and I can explain why she lost properly." Mr. Mage ordered. Faria walked over to us, gently put Ruby down on the grassy landscape, and sat with us.

Another weird lesson later...

"-Which is why you always need to have a b*tch, or a man on your mind. Otherwise, you won't be guaranteed to win a fight if you don't have a reason for it." Mr. Mage explained.

"Alright, That's the end of that now. Class dismissed!" Mrs. Maia and Mr. Mage walked away. "Alright guys, you all remember the plan?" I asked the rest of the group. They all nodded.

"Alright. I'll go and drop Ruby off to her room. Everyone else, find the breach. We don't want anyone else dying today." I said with confidence. The others agreed and flew off.

I picked up Ruby's snoring motionless body, and carried her like she was princess. Careful not to drop her on the way, I flew towards the dorms and looked around to see if anyone was doing something outside of the norm.

There was no one outside the dorms, but inside, there were a few students just socializing, and practicing hand to hand combat. When they saw me walk in, one of them shouted; "It's the Ice King!" And they all bowed in my very presence.

"Oh. Thank you my uhm.. subjects." I walked through the halls hoping to understand what just happened. I knew that my feats were deemed impressive by a lot of dragons, and mostly ice dragons at that, but I didn't think I was that famous.

Growing closer and closer to her dorm room location, Ruby finally woke up. "H-hey... where are we..?" Ruby rubbed her eyes. "We're in the dorms, and I'm carrying you to yours." I responded.

"C-carrying?!" Her face turned the color as the rest of her hair. "Hey, it's not weird unless you make it weird." I reminded her. "It's only weird because you happen to be one of the handsome ones!" Ruby threw a fit, causing her... chest, to jiggle.

"I-I'm flattered, but I'd rather stick to one future wife thank you very much." I quickly looked away. "Oh? So all of a sudden I'm not good enough!" Ruby tried to get in my face, but that only made her chest press against mine.

"Hey, calm down! We're almost there." I blushed, hoping that this would be over soon. "You seem to be in a rush-oh! Is this because of my milkers~?" Ruby asked me.

"S-shut up! Damn!" I was even more eager to get Ruby to her room before she tried to use her curves as a mental weapon against me. "Aww what's wrong? Does Elsa happen to be a virgin? How cute.~" Ruby teased.

"I-I'll have you know that me and Luni have had our fun." I argued. "Fair enough, but does she have these?" Ruby lifted her boobs. "W-will you stop!!" I was almost at my limit, wanting to drop her before anything else happened.

"I'll have you know, most guys would kill for me get in bed with them. Letalone court with them." Ruby crossed her arms with a smirk. "Yeah, we'll I'm not most guys!" I countered.

"Makes the hunt even better ice boy." Ruby's face was an inch away from mine. I check to see if we were near her room yet, and thankfully it was. "Oh look at that! We're here!" I rushed towards her room and made her stand.

"Boring! I was honestly having fun teasing you.." Ruby pouted. "Well too bad! I'm loyal to Luni, and Luni only! Now get inside and lock your door." I demanded.

"You're not my dad!" She still did anyways... but once she did, she let out a horrid scream and closed it again. She backed away from the door with a look of disbelief on her face.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. Ruby just shook her head and pointed at the door. I told her to stand back as I opened the door. Not only was there a putrid smell, but a sight for dead eyes was another say I could have said.

The heads of two students and one of the assistant principals layed lifeless on the floor, drenched in a puddle of wet and coagulated blood. "Call the principal... CALL THE PRINCIPAL NOW!" I rushed.

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