Chapter 11

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I was at the Principal's office, sitting on a chair that was in front of his desk. Everyone else that remained outside was either heavily traumatized, or wanted to find answers on who did this.

Principal Zey faced his window as he stood up with the pin I found in his hand. He looked at it for what felt like hours, as if he saw that symbol before. His face showed contempt, but his eyes showed... fear.

"Silver." Principal Zey called me. "Yes sir!" I was quick to respond. "Where did you find this, and when?" He asked. "I-I found it in front of our dorm room on the floor. And I found it yesterday during dawn's horizon." I answered as best as I could.

"Hm... I see." Principal Zey's hand that held the pin tighten into a fist. "And did you see anyone else there besides the lot of you...?" Principal Zey asked me another question.

"N-no sir. We didn't see anybody out and about in the dorms. It's the weekend so it would've been strange if someone actually was out of their room just because they wanted to be." I explained.

"Right..." Principal Zey sounded disappointed. "Principal Zey.. how do you plan to catch the killer? And who's gonna teach Leo now?" I bombarded him with questions.

Principal Zey sat down and rubbed his head. He looked mentally drained as hell. "I'll call in a few dragon investigators to snuff out the area. In the meantime, Leo will be in your class." Principal Zey responded.

"Alright sir. Thanks for your time." I bowed. "You may go now. Tell my daughter to remain careful out there." Principal Zey added. "Don't worry, I will." I assured him before walking out of the office collapsed onto the floor and started panting.

"Silver!" Everyone gathered around me, trying to get me back up on my feet. "S-sorry guys, I'm fine... it's just that.. the atmosphere in there. It was so... intense." I described.

"Well then it's settled. Not only is this f*cked up on so many levels, but this is serious too. And I mean serious enough for even a war hero to be concerned about the situation." Lucian stated.

"Well no sh*t Sherlock. As the principal of the school, how do you think he's supposed to react to it? Word gets out that he let this happen, his reputation's as good as ruined." Leo interpreted.

"Shut up!! My daddy is not like that!" Faria retorted. "Oh and of course you stand up for him, he's your father." Leo rolled his eyes. "Guys enough! We can't start fighting like this. We need to figure out who did this." Luni intersected.

"And why would we need to do that? We have professionals for a reason. Let them handle themselves." Leo said ruthlessly. "No way! Who knows how long it's gonna take for them to get here. We might be next ourselves if anything!" Faria speculated.

"Faria's right. We need to figure this out ourselves. Or at the very least do so until the professionals get here." I agreed. "But how? We don't even know where to start, nor who to ask." Luni proclaimed.

"Oh come on, we all know it's pretty obvious who did it." Lucian implied. Leo sighed, "I can't say that you're wrong.. if anything you might be onto something." Leo agreed to Lucian's implication.

"Uh... baby..? I don't understand." Faria was clueless on Lucian's guess. "It's Chalk, babe." Lucian let out a light sigh. I took a small moment to think about it in my head.

"I mean like come on guys, think about it. Ever since he joined the big 5, he's been running around rampant like a bull with a crown on his head. This time he's either gone psycho, or just went too far." Lucian explained.

The entire group took a moment to think about it. "Wait a minute, it can't be him." I said vaguely. "Why is that?" Lucian asked.

"Because while I was in there, Mr. Zey said that Chalk was stuck in his crystallized cave domain for detention the whole time." I said my peace.

"How do you know he hasn't broken out yet?" Leo asked me. "Mr. Zey has a crystal on his desk that turns red every time someone attempts to attack the domain, or breaks the domain." I answered.

"Ugh, damnit." Lucian rested his hand on his face, looking frustrated. "So if Chalk didn't do it.. who did?" Luni turned to me. Extreme worry showed upon her face.

"Well we can rule Ruby out of the equation. As soon as she saw the head, she went absolutely dragon sh*t and wouldn't stop screaming." Leo reminded us.

"Okay fine, then our best course of action is to grab our bearings and search around the dorm, and inside our dorm for any more clues we can find. Can we all agree on that?" I asked to see if anyone would object.

None of the group opposed my idea, but instead looked ready to ride or die with me on this one. "Okay then, but before we go anywhere... I gotta say that Mr. Zey is assigning Leo to our class." I announced.

"What?!" Lucian sounded surprised. "Why? He's not a dragon blood. And he's not even a hybrid either." Luni argued. "I think the old man knows that Lele and I are tight, so like any old wingman should, he did me a solid." Leo nodded with confidence.

I sighed and looked at Faria next. "Your father also told you to be careful. He doesn't wanna lose his only daughter." I told her solemnly. "I know... let's just go and find out who caused this mess." Faria wanted to get to the point.

So without wasting anymore time, we walked away from the office doors, and proceeded to find any clues at all about who would even dare to kill a teacher in broad dawn.

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