Chapter 18

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Me and Leo both rushed at Chalk, but he jumped to avoid us, put his hands up high blast the air above him, and descended onto the ground once more, knocking us back a little.

I slid back, and summoned a whole army of Ice crows to catch him. And on top of that, I made matters worse for him when I started clawing at the air, shooting blades of ice towards him in the process.

Chalk either dodged or blasted any of the attacks I threw at him as a response. Leo focused fire into his hand, and attempted to grab the heavily busy Chalk. Sadly, Chalk blasted himself away from Leo and soared up above.

Not willing to let him get away, me and my cold creations along with Leo continued to chase around the rampant Chalk. As evil as he looked, he was still smart enough to summon a tornado to suck in all of my ice crows, turning them into normal chopped up ice.

The tornado wasn't strong enough to bring me or Leo out, so I rushed ahead and started boxing with Chalk. Every move we made towards each other counted as a hostile one. No matter what happened, I wasn't willing to back down.

Yet it was painfully obvious that Chalk wasn't one to back down either. I hit him, he hit back. I dodge his attack, he'd try to redirect mine, but not before I freeze him a little.

Itty bitty scars weren't enough, we needed to damage him further. And I could've sworn that Leo had telepathy, because as soon as I thought that, he zoomed at Chalk and tackled him by the throat, descending down to drag him through the ground throughout the field.

Once Leo felt like he had enough of that, he threw the battered up Chalk at me. Taking advantage of this, I breathed ice at him. Chalk regained his consciousness, and dodged the blast.

"Damnit!" I rushed at him with full speed, making my hand covered in ice. Leo rushed at Chalk too with ground breaking speeds, but his entire body was still coated with fire. Chalk then stretched out his arms and uttered something with all his might.

"Almighty push!!" Chalk yelled, and a huge wave of destructive air was unleashed from within him, blowing me away, but not Leo. I almost fell to the ground, but I caught myself at the last second.

What I looked around to see was just devastating. The entire field was nothing but a crater, and a third of the academy was decimated. Leo remained where he was midair, not too phased by Chalk's attack.

"Hm... so you transformed again?" Leo chuckled. I looked at Chalk once more and I saw that his skin and scales were coated in pitch black, and a single white horn grew from his forehead.

 I looked at Chalk once more and I saw that his skin and scales were coated in pitch black, and a single white horn grew from his forehead

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"No matter, I'm still gonna kick your a-" "LEO!!!" Lucian screamed from afar. "What the f*ck-" Leo cursed. "IT'S LELE, THEY SHOT HER DOWN AND SHE'S BLEEDING OUT!!!" Lucian shouted.

Leo wasted absolutely no time, and flew to where Lucian flew back. Leo soared so quick that even looked like a blazing meteor, ready to burn everything.

I looked back at Chalk, and he looked at me. I felt a cold feeling crawl up and down my spine, all the way into my lungs. I felt like I was barely able to breath. On instinct however, I shot up 6 giant ice pillars at Chalk.

Only a few managed to Pierce his flesh. "Tch... you fool." Chalk dived down towards me. "What does a useless dragon blood like you-" Chalk formed a rasengan-like attack in his hand. I did the same, but this time I gathered every single amount of ice I could.

"KNOW ABOUT THE POWER OF THE 8 KEYS!!!" Chalk yelled as he and I clashed. A flashy burst of ice and wind had spread around the field, freezing certain parts of the already-made crater.

After the clash, I couldn't help but fall to the ground, feeling drained of all my energy. "D-did I get him-?" I hoped that was the last I'd ever see of him. One moment of silence later, Chalk grabbed me by the neck when he landed on top of me.

"Get who bitch." Chalk slammed me on the other side of the ground. "You f*cking scum... you don't even deserve to be one of the 8 keys!" Chalk started stomping on my already exhausted body.

"You're the one who's live your whole life around humans!!" Chalk kicked me yards away. "So now... you're gonna die like one." Chalk's voice turned cold.

I remembered how motionless I was on the ground. I was scared, hurt, and... cold. I felt cold more than anything else. My entire body went numb. My feelings went numb. My and head started hurting.

I was able to see, but clearly. I was able to feel but barely. The only thing I did was blink... and the entire crater I was in became filled to the brim with ice. I stood up and looked at Chalk, who stared at me almost as if he was offended.

 I stood up and looked at Chalk, who stared at me almost as if he was offended

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