Another day as a hell

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(Enjoy the song and the story)

:::- YOU BRAT ( she toked the pillow and start hitting it on yn)
Yn- MoooM five mins more plzzzzzz
Mom- ohh thank God you waked up go get ready or you will get late to the school i should see you downstairs in 25 min
Yn- ( angry pout) mom how could you destroy someone's precious sleep
Mom - 24 min 43 sec
Yn - Aggg okay now go i am coming
Mom- my good girl

After saying it mom left i lazily walked towards the washroom did my morning routine and did my own business but how is mom at the house superior she come late and left early or i rarely see mom at home at night well i am soo happy i wore a crop with top and in bottom a black cargo full pant. and took my bag running toward down strais well it just took 23 mins i don't need those 1 hrs to just get ready

Mom-good morning sweetie
Yn-good morning mom (cutely)
Mom- sit and eat breakfast first i will drop and pick up you today as my leave is there
Yn-really mommmm
Mom-yes sweetie

Something is fishy well who knows i don't have any curiosity to know it so i just let it go away i was eating my pancakes peacefully but something is missing whatttttttttttttttttt MY CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE

Yn- mom my chocolate milk (whinning like a kid)
Mom- sorry sweetie i forget to make it
Yn-it's okay mom-
Mom- well did you like the pancakes i have made you favourite chocolate one
Yn- i lovveeeed itt.
Mom-ohh my baby love it okay but eat it fast
Yn-okay (cutely)

When i finished my eating mom dropped me to school


YN- byeeee mommm
Mom-bye sweetie

When i turned i was surrounded by..
Txt and bp . Mini heart attack can kill you one day(cold tone)

YN-you all scared me , well did you all prep
Txt and bp makane - FOR WHAT
Sobbin- stop shouting .
Yn- for maths exam dosent mr Jeon. Remieded us in the despersal
Txt and bp makane - Holy shit
Txt and bp makane - YOU
Bell ringss
Yn-let's go or you guys are also goona get detention
Lisa- well she is right
Taehyun and Huening Kai- and it's our mistake we forget about test
Yn- stop your dramas i know you all very well jerks i am not gonna help you
Taehyun - please yn
Yn-i am going to my locker

As i left from there i runed towards my
Locker after taking my books i wet tor Jeon class as soon i reached i sighed in belif thank God mr Jeon has not come or i am killed well then i went towards the last seat where no one was sitting after 2 mins mr Jeon camed and apologie for been late

Mr Jeon - i am really sorry class for been late and well didn't i told you that I will be taking your class text today
Girl 34- shit i forget
Boy5- me too
Girl43 - me three
Mr Jeon - so everyone keep the book and phone in my table i am distributing the test paper and no one should even dare to cheat

I was been the last one in putting my books and phone well when i camed on my seat next paper was gonna get me only and mr Jeon simlied at me werid i was been the first one to complete the test when i said i done everyone was looking at me like i stoled there precious diamond even taehyun,Huening Kai ,Lisa and rose of course why not they didn't prep anything and i betrayed them actually that revenge

Yn- sir done
Mr Jeon - impressive well yn take your book and phone and you can get out of the class

I got outside when i looked i just took 15 mins to complete that's the reason mr Jeon said impressive i put my air poad and again went to my locker i put those books and took out hist one cause the next class was of history and then i goed to the park

Timeskips after the school

Yn- bye oppa, and idiots
Txt and idiots - bye idiot/Princess and bye anuty
Mom-bye guys

Whole time i was telling what happened in the school

Yn-and he-
Mom- we reached home sweetie
Yn- i have not finished yet
Mom - you were telling me all these shit from 25 mins
Yn - hehe

I got inside the maison and go ed straight towards my room i took a long freshing shower and weared this

I got inside the maison and go ed straight towards my room i took a long freshing shower and weared this

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Well of course comfort comes first then went downstairs isn't mom looking stressed

Yn-mom are you okay
Mom-of course sweetie
Yn-mom you can share me anything
Mom- i waana tell you something
Yn- go ahead
Mom-first let's eat
Yn- as your wish

Lee tae hee pov

Then i saw yn she asked me am i okay

Yn-mom are you okay
Mom-of course sweetie
Yn-mom you can share me anything
Mom- i waana tell you something
Yn- go ahead
Mom-first let's eat
Yn- as your wis

I arranged thethe table and yn helped me well she is actually mature when she has to be when we both finished eating i said her to go and wait for me i maybe took 10 mins to come there omo she looks dead serious wtf

Mom- yn plz don't be mad
Yn-it depends

i took a big breath and said "iamhavingabfandhisnameismrkimhehas7sonsandwehavedecudedtohaveadinnertogher"

Yn-what can you repeat mom and say it solwly
Mom-i am having a bf and his name is mr kim he has 7 son s and we have decided to have a dinner together
Yn- and
Mom- you are not mad
Yn-why should I be
Mom-but can you please come to the dinner
Yn- hmmm okay
Mom thank you sooooo much sweetie well i am going out i would come at 6:00 so be ready
Yn-okayyyy byeeeeee
Mom- bye sweetie





Words count- 10

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