Duke humfery's

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And drifted into my Dreamland at 1:40 am .


I woked up by morning sun rays hitting on my face and littinig my room. It was 4:00 am it was so rare for me to wake up at 4'o clock and in weekends . I started staring at celing being blanked and after few minutes i finally decided to wake up from bed. I went towards balcony it was quite cold today maybe it rained. After looking at garderner, guards and keepers I went to my bathroom.

Taking a long 45 mins shower I changed into my workout clothes. It was cold and I am also a human, i feel lazy too . So, i strated doing workout in room only at 6:39 am I finished and again went to washroom to take a quick shower and changed into this.

It was 6:59 am I took a backpack and placed some notebooks,box , laptop, wallet and phone. Then went downstairs and saw everyone sitting in dinning table in their night suit werid dosen't they have any work today ahh leave it.

I made my way towards exit door of the mainson and again being stopped by them. UGHHHHHHH

Jin- yn have breakfast
Yn- yes coming (cold)

I took one toast and drank milk served by maid in hurry i got up from dinning table and said

Yn- thanks

But it's true they don't deserve my happy mood

Jin- eat properly
Yn- i ate how much i want to eat and it's too much....for me(looking towards the breakfast)
Namjoon- ohh really two toast , a pancake, and an omelet is too much for you , you literally look like a stick
Yn- .........
Yoongi- where are you going
Yn- outside

They literally had a done face leaving some to be true i was done with me at that time

Jin- where
Yn- umm it's personal
Yoongi- should I call mom
Yn- library
Jin- what's the need
Yn- huh
Jin- why are you going there

I was litterly done like who in this world would go to library uselessly come'on dude come on your senses and let me go.

Jimin- why are you caring hyung let her roam and slut around boys
Yn- Sorry for interrupting I informed mom earlier so I don't think I need your permission. *Bow

I booked a cab and entered a location of a famous as farest library. My plans for today's was to complete project as soon as possible and then go to my personal Mafia base to make upcoming plans and track enimes at last treat myself with a beautiful candel light dinner and buy some munching snacks

The cab came and drove me towards my destination in half hour

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Most famous Duke humfery's library a copyright version of library in USA but still it gives a new vibes every time I enter here

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Most famous Duke humfery's library a copyright version of library in USA but still it gives a new vibes every time I enter here . I rarely have vist here.

I took a seat and started doing my project but still it's too difficult to choose a topic.


It spend 1 whole hour searching for a topic and I found the best one . No one can compare my one to their (being proud) but my whole plan is not going well I was completely exhausted . I searched for some random book and choose one and buy it and a cold classic coffee for me .

I packed my things and got a call of Lisa I went outside with my backpack it's 11:37 am


Lisa- hiii
Yn- Hello
Lisa- where the fuck are you lying
Yn- i swer i would not hesitate a inch to break every single bone so stop putting the call in recoding and on speaker (cold)
Lisa- yeah girll chill down where are you
Yn- library why?
Lisa- i am at your house-
Yn- huhh!!!
Lisa- to make project
Yn- ohh but whyyy
Lisa-don't you want to
Yn- i want to but I have plans I thought of making a meeting on our base
Lisa- ahh there is nothing to do
Yn- you said this last time also
Lisa- haha (nervous laugh) it's past leave it
Yn- is Kai also with you
Lisa- yeah and Jackson oppa
Yn- ohhh so you want me to come
Lisa- something like this
Yn- letss meet tomorrow
Lisa- yahhhh
Yn- But promise next week you would not complain on an Mafia missions, meeting and etc got it .
Lisa- it's cheating
Yn- yes or no
Lisa- okay
Yn- cool i am reaching in 45 mins
Lisa- huh wtf where are you don't tell me you are at that Duke one
Yn-you guessed it right, call you later okay byeee
Lisa- youuu.....(i cutted the call)

I saw a public garden and sat there to book a cab and while it was coming I strated enjoying my coffee.




Heyyy guys how are you and I am backkkkk I had an tornament of state level and exams so I was so busy cause of it I wasn't able to upload but now my school days strated still i would try to be online and upload one or two parts in a week sorry if you didn't liked it . Hope you liked it.

Love you alll~💜

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