Marriage day (3)

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Previous review
Kai- haha our ynie is a big girl now hahaha
Jungkook- haha
Everyone (expect Lisa yn)- gulp


Jackson - l-et-s g-o g-u-ys
Jk- y-e-pp
Lisa/yn- better to that only

We all went towards our table for those idiots,BTS and i same table were allotted i sat between lisa and Kai

I saw mom and mr Kim thanking their guests and meeting their business partner i saw the time and it was 9:56 i was being zoomed out and brought back to the earth by lisa

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I saw mom and mr Kim thanking their guests and meeting their business partner i saw the time and it was 9:56 i was being zoomed out and brought back to the earth by lisa

Lisa- heyy ynnnnieee
Yn- yepp
Lisa- do you remember that bouquet cremany
Yn- yep but why
Lisa- you exposed my some secrets
Yn- W-h-a-t-
Lisa- yeah i am being nervou
Yn- seriously tf i did...but i don't think anyone remember it so
Lisa- god please help me
Yn- well-
Lisa- yeah
Yn- when will be we going home
Lisa- god knows
Yn- i am fucking tired dude
Lisa- yeah no cursing if anyone Heard it we will be dead

I was wispering in her ear and she was whispering in my ear will continued our talk cause i have no one to talk with Kai Jackson oppa were busy with bts and we were being in our own crazy


It is being 12:46 am and Kai,lisa ,and Jackson oppa have left i am here standing beside BTS waiting for mom and mr Kim and finally after 29 mins wait they were here

Mr Kim- haha
Mrs Kim- stop honey they are waiting for us
Mr Kim- yeah yeah
Yn- mom now can i go to home
Mrs Kim- of course baby you must be tired let's go
Yn- okay...good night mom, good night mr Kim(i said while going to my car)
Mr Kim- is sweetie going to your home (to Mrs kim)
Mrs Kim- yahh yniee(going towards ynie)

Mrs kim went towards ynie and left BTS with mr Kim.

Mom- baby
Yn- mom don't say i will also stay with them (disbelief)
Mom- yeah baby you have to mr Kim is your father from now onwards
Yn- Correction step father, and i only said earlier i don't have any problem with your marriage but don't accept anything from me(cold)
Mom- ynie seriously stop reacting like a child
Yn- mom please
Mom- no means no ynie
Yn- ahh please
Mom- no (sternly)
Yn- just for one day
Mom- no
Yn- mom only for today's night tomorrow after school i will come there
Mom- how many times should I say no don't you get it ynie try adjusting with the situations also your stubbornness is not gonna fix any thing (coldy)
Yn- mom...

After 15 mins of requesting mom still denied and i was already pissed off and don't waana burst so i just said okay at last . And then me and mom went towards mr Kim

Meanwhile BTS pov

We were left by Mrs kim with dad and he was just asking some questions

Mr Kim- did you guys accepted ynie
Jhope/jk- yessss
Suga- yes(coldly)
Jin- not sure
Tae /jimin- no we are never gonna accept that sult as our sister
Mr Kim- i don't care abt it but treat her nicely or you guys know

And dad stared talking about a mission and after some times Mrs kim came with ynie she was morely looking pissed off but let it be

Back to ynie pov

Mom- so i and your dad will come together and..boys are you okay if ynie will come with you

I was seriously so done with moms talk like why god whyyy??(crying internally)

Jhope- there is not problem Mrs kim we will love if ynie would come with us right guys (looking torwards them while glaring jimin tae)
Everyone (expect jhope)- y-e-a-h-h
Mr Kim- okay so drive safely hmm
Jk- dad we will bring ynie home safely
Mr Kim- i am not asking to you pado Jin got it(while jk being embrassed)
Jin- yep appa

The couples left leaving me with them ahh i don't know what to do it i can (crying dramatically)

Jk- lil sis let's go
Yn- hmm

After sometime we reached home and.







Heyyyyyy guys hope you all are doing well and take care of yourself hope you liked it and don't be a silent reader let me know your thoughts towards this chapter hmm see you soon lovee youu allll ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




Words count -790(excluding previous review and author note)

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