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Previous review
An pov

Everyone went towards there classes while Namjoon was going to library and the time when he entered he went towards Haruki Murakami book self where ___ creature was present.


Of course that creature is our poor ynie

School library

(Heyy guys it's your author if you actually observe the picture of library there is written crime so please try imagining Haruki Murakami self i am really sorry abt it but please forgive me)

Namjoon asked Liberian that where is the sleft and she told him Namjoon entered the book self area and there found a girl who was also searching for the same edition but he doesn't know that was yn he wanted to get that book as soon as possible cause Liberian told him that there was only one book left and the same with yn



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An pov end

Yn pov
Ughhh it's so fustrating where the heck is that book hiding from me then only a boy or man whatever a human being entered that area looks like he is also searching for it only Liberian maam has told me earlier only that there is only one book left so be fast BUT WHERE IS ITTTTT ahh i just think it's not here go to another self bicth wait YOU WERE HERE AND I WAS SERCHING FOR YOU FROM MILLION YEARSS gotch- (suddenly that creature took that book no i am never gonna lose it i look upside b-b-u-t it-s Na-m-joo-n)

Yn- thiss is mineee
Namjoon- no i saw it first
Yn- But i was finding it earlier that you
Namjoon- so what it's mine
Yn- i touched it first
Namjoon- but i saw it first
Yn- so what (suddenly a girl passed behind us Namjoon grip on book was loosen so i took the chance i try to runaway but )
Namjoon- you can't it mine
Yn- noooo leave me ( yeah he stopped me and gradded my hands hrashily )
Namjoon- first give me
Yn- noo
Namjoon-wait it's means you also like reading books
Yn- alot but i am never gonna come in your trap
Namjoon- ohh come'on girl it's not my trap
Yn- okay so bye-
Namjoon- ahh please give it yn
Yn- wait do you-
Yn- but still i touched it first
Namjoon- okay i agree with it but whosoever answer the questions correctly will get it
Yn- ahh okay
Namjoon- whats the most famous quote of him nowadays ? ..1..2..3
Yn/Namjoon-"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking."
Namjoon- wait i thought you didn't know
Yn- hehe so by-
Namjoon- ahhh yn plzzz give it i promise i will return you after this week
Yn- ughh okay but don't forget it by-.. now whattt
Namjoon- nothing what abt knowing each other betterly
Yn- you want don't you hate me
Namjoon- when did i said
Yn- you showed it (low tone)
Namjoon- what
Yn- nothing let's go
Namjoon- ynie let's sit there (pointing towards corner window side)

 now whatttNamjoon- nothing what abt knowing each other betterlyYn- you want don't you hate meNamjoon- when did i said Yn- you showed it (low tone)Namjoon- whatYn- nothing let's goNamjoon- ynie let's sit there (pointing towards corner window side)

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Namjoon- ynie..
Yn- hmmm
Namjoon-why don't you call me oppa as i am elder to you
Yn- i though you don't like it
Namjoon- ahh just call me
Yn- Okay...oppa
Namjoon- hm good girl so..(after that we started talking with eachother and to be true i usually hate anybody company me but it's the first time i liked it but afterwards bell rang i looked at the time wohh i even don't know when the time passed so fast)
Namjoon-asihh ynie let's meet later bye or you and i would be late for class
Yn- byeee oppa
Namjoon- byee well..
Namjoon- if you want to take the book just take it-
Yn- no oppa you can read it first and if you didn't returned it you will be dead on the stop
Namjoon- okay cupcake byeee

The second last word gave me a gossebump but whatever i went to my another class. That was Physics ahh.....






Heyyyyyyy guys hope you all are doing well and take care of your self cause nowadays corona is getting back take all the precautions and wear mask well hope this part dosen't disappointed you nor wasted you time and let me know your thoughts towards this chapter and don't be a silent reader. Loveeeeew you alll my inbox is always there for you just message me without any hesitation.
Words count= 780 (excluding previous review)

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