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They all death glared me and left everyone in the cafeteria were shock and still couldn't process then Lisa camed( what a nice time author)


Lisa- hey bitc-...what happened to your outfit..are you okay
Yn- (sigh) i am fine you can continue your eating i will be back-
Lisa- where are you going
Yn- to a club-
Lisa- wait why
Yn- you dumbass i am going for changing i will be back in 5 mins
Lisa- ohh

I went towards the girls washroom i was still confused why they left (sigh ) let it go but what should I do to my outfit god plwesss help me (sigh) i have to call lisa saying that i dialled Lisa's no. And after few rings she picked up the call.

Lisa- where the hell are you
Yn- in the washroom i need your help (in sweet pleading tone)
Lisa- hmm
Yn- you know my outfit was ruined due to that liquid on my tshirt
Lisa- yes
Yn- my whole outfit is ruined what should I do can you please bring pair of cloth
Lisa- what(chocks)
Yn- heyy drink water
Lisa- ......okay i am bringing it but where are you
Lisa- the washroom little far away from cafeteria cause yk that horrible washroom in cafeteria
Lisa- (chuckled) yeah yeah but who did this and to you
Yn- long stroy brief explanation so basically i was sitting in the cafeteria a girl group camed and poured water on me then tried to insult me but the couldn't do it cause yk and then a girl said to her members let's go we will see her later and then they left
Lisa- okay and i am here in which compartment are you lying
Yn- hmm wait idk
Lisa- shout then
Yn- no
Yn- (sigh) HELLO HERE
Lisa- got it

She ended the call and someone on the door knoked i opened the door and lisa handed me clothes i was so proud at that time i never thought she keeps outfit like this also but in 2 mins i changed and camed out .

Lisa- Hey bitch why are you cryingYn- i am so proud of you lisa this is the first time-Lisa- stop your drama andd let's go only 35 mins are left for the break to over i am sioooo hungry plwesss-(smak her head)Lisa- you bitch (try hiting her but ca...

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Lisa- Hey bitch why are you crying
Yn- i am so proud of you lisa this is the first time-
Lisa- stop your drama andd let's go only 35 mins are left for the break to over i am sioooo hungry plwesss-(smak her head)
Lisa- you bitch (try hiting her but can't reach her height as you are taller than her )
Yn- haha let's go
(Lisa pouts)
Yn- you know you look so bad while pouting so please stob embarrassing me because of it
Lisa- ughhhh i hate you

We both strated fighting while walking i was trying hard to control my laugh while lisa was burning in anger as we reached she sat on the seat angrily and strating eating.


Timeskips to last 3rd pd

So finally it was chemistry lab period and it was with lisa and Kai i am damn sure those two idiots are gonna eat my brain ughh whatever i can't skip it so while exhaling i went inside and saw teacher was there already and not only that even jungkook,tae ,jimin and in yeoup was also there woww what a nice surprise

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