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" The only fear of mine
Is the
Fear of unknown "

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The house was beautiful decorated I think the new year decoration is still there but that looked so beautiful i knocked at the door and.


I saw her she was beautifully dressed and warmly invited me in saying I look beautiful

Old l.- what's your favourite dish
Yn- umm i think tebbokkie
Old l.- that's great I made the way you didn't tell your name
Yn- oh yeah I am lee yn and-
Old l.- Sung Choon Yang you can call me aunty well sit here

I sat there I think someone else also lives here than I saw a old man coming maybe it her husband and a young girl must be her daughter or granddaughter

Old l.- meet them he is my husband and she is my granddaughter sit here everyone i am coming
Old m.- do you know when i was younger I used to like so handsome that everyone used to crush over me
Yn- really
Old m.- yeah but now (sighh) leave it you look so familiar i can't remember you
Yn- do you live here only
Old m.- yeah since we get married I used to live here I think you are new here right
Yn- yeah
Old m.- that's why here is a mafia living i think they are Kim's everyone here is use to fear them
Yn- why so like they are just a mafia right
Old m.- yeah that's why they are very powerful they can destroy someone in second do you know there back stroy
Yn- no is there any
Old l.- there is a long story (while serving food)
Old m.- there used to live couples they had 2 sons and one daughter, the daughter was the oldest of them she got married first now one time camed when the couple died due to some common disease and later they got to know that the whole property of the couples was being given to the youngest son cause he was the most intelligent among the two this thing can't be beared by middle child so he decided to kill the youngest that's when the fight began they used to argue all day while the daughter was in abroad she didn't knew anything at the end the middle was killed by himself or gone somewhere they don't have any idea the daughter came to know that and was traumatized later the youngest got married and they had 7 sons and the woman was having one daughter but after she was of 5 none has seen her nor their mother.recently the youngest got married again which is sad not only for their son's but for us cause that man loved his daughter and wife with everything he had.
Yn- that means none like them
Old l.- no I have seen that woman she looked just like his real wife
Yn- real wife?
Old l.- yeah don't be confused eat it
G.d(granddaughter)- i always wondered how lucky their daughter was I wish I was like her
Yn- why
G.d- cause she was loved it everyone she gets whatever she wants that's why
Old l.- that means you want to say we don't love you
G.d- no i am just telling


The dinner was great i came friend of that girl and I they told me to call them aunty uncle i was walking on streets it was 10:30 kinda late but i can't explain it was good the girl invited me in his birthday which was next week ughh but why i am thinking about their past should I ask mom would she tell me aghh I think no but how can she would be their real mother it's impossible

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