Another day of shit (BTS side)

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Chipring of birds
Are heard but some bang

!!! Pov
Boy 6- Boys stop
Boy 4 - well hyung you are right
Boy 7 - it's being 4 am u all must be tried have 2 hrs nap
Boy 5- (yawn) well i am going good night
Boy 4 - when he is not sleeping
Boy 6- stop it and guard clean the blood from the basement.
Boys (expect boy-6) good night Namjoon hyung
Namjoon - good night

Namjoon pov
after saying good night everybody left to there room i ordered guards to clean the blood till morn Suddenly waitt who is it at 3:30 am , (door opening voice were been heard .) I was terrified i don't know i Mafia but i am also a human i am scared of ghost ohh WAIT it's dad come'on he scared me.

Mr Kim- what are you doing in this night right in the living room Namjoon
Namjoon - d-d-dad i was just here to take some water
Mr Kim- ohh

By saying that i left that was horrible
Ahh letss leave while saying that i also left but ..??

At 6:55

+++ Pov
Ahh what's the time hmm...

After seeing the time i got up and went towards bathroom and did my own business after sometime i went downstairs to cook breakfast for everyone

After sometime i heard someone footsteps i looked back ohh it's hobi

Hobi- good morning hyung
Jin - good morning hobi
Hobi-what are you making for breakfast
Jin - hmm bannana pancakes well go and get others wake up

Jin pov ends

Timeskips at dinning table

There was pure silence was heard munching sounds were echoing while breaking the silence Jin spoked

Jin- jungkook how many times should I tell you too eat while closing your mouth
Jk- ahh okay hyung
Mr Kim- (cough ) guys well come home today early
Tae- why
Jin- okay appa
Mr Kim - hmm
Jin- i have finished
Jk- me too
Tae - me three
Namjoon - me four
Hobi- me five
Jimin - me six
Jin-if everyone has finished then your plates ghost is goona keep
Everyone ( expect Jin,Suga,mrkim)- hehe

Timeskips at car

Jimin- well hyung isn't it werid that appa is eating breakfast with and and said -
Jk-yeah hyung
Jin- well yep
Jimin - a-
Namjoon - maybe dad wants to desscus about any new mission
Jimin - w-
Suga - just leave it
Jimin- thank you hyung soo inwanna tell thattttttttttttttttttttttttt ....  Hmm i forget let's leave it
JIN-let's leave we are here

Timeskips ( hmm sorry for soo many timeskips well your author is lazy)

At 4:45 pm

Mr Kim- Mrs Choi plz call my son's in the meeting room
Mrs Choi - ok sir

After sometime i heard a knok maybe they have comed

Mr Kim - come in
Jin-why you have called us appa
Mr Kim - have a sit first i wanna tell you something all
Mr kim - ( clearing his throat) i have a girlfriend
Mr Kim-i am telling you all not asking about u that  you all are comfortable or not they would be coming at 7:30 so better behave and Ji-
Jin- okay appa i would tell them
Mr Kim - good

As mr Kim left discussion got started

BTS pov

We all were shocked as fuck like dad is dating someone all the Hyung line clam there self but..

TAe- how could dad date some one it's so trustfstrating
Jin - well did you all heard that dad said they will be coming
Jimin - yes we all are not dea- wait what the FUCK THEYYYYY
Suga - stop you monkey head
Jimin- ( sigh)
Jin-well we can get their information to see who the fuck are they
Jk-well dad didn't tell us how many child's that slut is having
JK- ok sorry hyung
Suga - meet after they are gone in my room
BTS ( expect Suga) - oookaaayyyyyyy


To be continued

Well guys i hope it doesn't waste you time and don't be a silent reader

Question - what do you think will they get our Mafia queen information???





Word count -- 720

Have a good day 😊😊😊

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