There is a need to call you mom right??😏

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Previous review
Yn- yeah
Kai- then let's continue our work
Namjoon- really
Jackson- yeah hyung if you want to take her to doctor then it's your wish
Jungkook- hyung is right we should call
Yn- no means no
Jin- and if we did soo
Lisa- well ynie let's leave.


They all went downstairs well that was quite sweet conversation I like it but was he concern about me whatever i think he was but it can be because of what there father told them. Right its-

Lisa- bitch comee!
Yn- yeah

I went downstairs and saw everyone continuing there work I reached where jungkook and lisa were and everything was luckily collected

Jungkook- so yn you cut veggies and i will fry them
Yn- hmm well can I ask one favour from you
Jungkook- yeah
Yn- can you please ask them what are they doing
Jungkook- why not just wait

Finally he is of some use i wanna know this because they are trouble maker they can spoil anything in second and that's not great at all . I snapped out of my thoughts and strated doing my work


I was done with everything thing but where is this burning smell coming from (i turned my face and who else it could be) taehyung and Jimin for a second i thought of helping them but yeah they said that i should mind my own business then why should I care.

Jungkook- hey Lil sis see there
Yn- huh(as expected he was pointing them)
Jungkook- you should help them
Yn- do I look like a social worker then why should I
Taehyung- you go (he splashed that water in his face)
Jimin- you idiot not on my face ask yn for help
Taehyung- huh why should I
Jimin- cause if you didn't this burned pan will be next to your cheeks in few seconds
Taehyung- hyung ahh
Taehyung- (he camed calmly towards me and in cold tone he said) yn jimin needs asking for help..ynie
Yn- (i was faking to talk with jungkook oppa when he came) huh
Taehyung- jimin is asking for help
Yn- so
Taehyung- so what go there
Yn- well-
Jungkook- fight with him later (he dragged me towards him)
Yn- oppa..
Jimin- ynie i am sorry but please hyung will be here soon
Yn- okay

I turned off the flame first opened all the windows and exhausting fan or whatever ( as I don't know properly sorry) and in few minutes I placed the pan in a big bowl fillied with cold water and then it was all normal (author:- hope you liked my technique)

Yn- hmm i think this helped you
Jimin-thanks btw is your food prepared
Jungkook- yeah hyung
Jimin- can you please help us in that as we ar-
Yn- sorry but I have other work too
Taehyung- I see how busy you are i think there is a need to call Mrs lee
Yn- this jerk(i whisper under my breath)
Taehyung- what
Yn-sure what should I do (while grinding teeth)
Jimin- so let's start with bimbap and fried chicken

I have nothing to say when that jerk mentioned my mom as if she knows it she is literally gonna kill me I asked jk oppa to collect items and strated cutting vegetables as loud and as. Agreesively as possible as other were some were gone to cvs stroe and the one who was here was only them (maknae line) and me. As I was done with cutting Jimin was boiling water .
I am already so done and then i think all are here now .

After few minutes (30)
I was done with bimbap but the next was fried chicken i was more disgusted
By that dish

Yn- i am done
Taehyung- what about chicken
Yn- i don't know how to cook(i lied). can order it
Lisa- really don't you know
Yn- yeah
Lisa- your face say that you are lying (whispers)
Yn- shh
Jimin-it's okay
Lisa- now it my chance
Yn- for what
Lisa- you said you will help
Yn- aghh no
Lisa- yes
Yn- okay so what i have to do miss
Lisa- i have planned to make a chocolate fudge or a brownie
Yn- ohh I liked it

Timeskips (sorry guys i am really returning after months and still well i sincerely apologise for it🥲)

Lisa- whoo it look amazing
Yn- i am fucking tired(smak)...WHAT THE HEEL
Lisa- heel(laughing as a ugly witch)
Jackson- no cursing girl
Yn- you can say like this also there was no need to touch you dirty hands
Jackson- you.
Yn- i will kill you oppa if you continued this is a warning
Jackson- why so angry
Namjoon- okay enough of it as we are done let's eat right
Yn- i wanna sleep (whisper to lisa)
Lisa- really
Yn- yeah
Jin- yn,lisa,Kai put dishes on table
Yn- wtff i am going to my room don't call me
Lisa- rest well
Kai- where is she going
Lisa- none of your business

Yn pov...

I enter my room and put my self in bed I wonder why just why my mom gave my no. to them thinking that i didn't really realise when i drifted into my dreamland


Jin- where is yn
Kai- in her room
Lisa- you bitch
Namjoon- what is she doing there
Yoongi- let me go and check
Lisa- oppa she will be returning soon (hestiatly)
Kai- haha

Yonngi pov

Ignoreing lisa he want towards her room and saw her cutely sleeping at first i was so lost looking at her but I can't take my beautiful eyes away from her

Ignoreing lisa he want towards her room and saw her cutely sleeping at first i was so lost looking at her but I can't take my beautiful eyes away from her

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I covered her properly with blanket and her phone was ringing the contact say mom I put it on silent closed lightes and carefully closed the doors.
I went downstairs and i told them she was sleeping

Whole dinner i was caught by that sight in my mind

And the night ended happily some discovered the new sight of ynie and some where too lost by her thoughts 💭 . whole day the Kim's mansion was filled with laughter,joy happiness. But tommorow is a mystery maybe tomorrow things would have a turning point or later who knows other than me






Hope you liked this part I am really sorry for uploading this part so late.. i was being busy with my school work and more things too. But please leave your comments so that I can improve and if you want anything message me privately or here.

Lovee you all....❤️❤️❤️

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