Am i kidnapped (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

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Previous review
And as i was going to sleep


Ahhhhhh nobody let me even sleep in peach bitch i looked at the caller id and it was ........


Still yn pov

And it was @@@ i picked it up and talked to him in a friendly yet anyyoed voice

OTP (video call)
@@@- hi BiTcH
Yn- ahh don't you know it's people bed time i was seriously gonna sleep but you-(pissed off)
@@@- haha i really like your anyyoing faces
Yn- yeah yeah whatever
@@@- well how was anuty's weeding
Yn- hella boring
@@@- i really wanna see your ugly reaction
Yn- shut up-
@@@- yeah yeah whatever leave it so are you gonna accept them
Yn- God knows
@@@- what about there father
Yn- maybe... i don't know stop this topic right now
@@@- haha whatever sleep early or you are gonna again be late
Yn- i am not like you
@@@- okay byeee pabo ahh
Yn- byeee bitchh
@@@- Y.O.U-

I cutted the call before he could say anything (chuckling) and then drifted into my beautiful Dreamland

Author pov

It was 5:50 am in the Kim's mansion somewhere still asleep while some one working

Let's have a quick glance at our lovely Jin

Let's have a quick glance at our lovely Jin

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Now back to the stroy

At ynie's room

Author s mind- what if we try again distributing our ynie's Beauty sleep...

Yn pov
I was sleeping peacefull untill

UGHHHHH this ugly alarm i throwed the alarm clock making it Break but surprisingly i didn't hear mom's shouting am i deaf wait (i opened my eyes and find myself in a unfalimer room. I was gonna should until reality hit me my mom is married wohoo . I was in my thoughts but suddenly i again zommed in i saw the time and it was 5:56 am i have pretty much time to get ready i thought to myself. Then i streached my arms and went towards washroom to do my morning routine and have a fresh shower.


I camed out of the washroom and went towards my wardrobe took a causal outfit

I camed out of the washroom and went towards my wardrobe took a causal outfit

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Comfortable yet smart gud let's go...i took my phone check the weather and time which was 6:30 i am not gonna be late saying that i went downstairs i saw maknae rubbing there eyes have they waked up now godd Suga oppa on couch sleeping,Jin in setting dinning table, while Namjoon and jhope were absent then only mom and mr kim coming out of a room towards me and

MRS.KIM - Good morning ynie
Yn - good morning mom and mr Kim(bow)
Mr Kim- don't be formal sweetie you can call me appa
Yn- o-k-y d-a-d(he patted my shoulder)
Yn pov- ahhh my ears
Yn- bye mom bye dad-
Mrs Kim- ynie have breakfast
Yn- no
Mrs Kim- ynie(she held my hand and try hard to force me but.)
Yn- mom i have no appetite Mommm
Mom- when you have come
Yn- mom gonna cry
Mom- it doesn't matter
Mr Kim- YAHHHH STOP FIGHTING LIKE KIDS(everyone's attention went to us)
Yn/ mom-we are not a kid( when i heard mom saying it i smirked)
Yn- yeah dad mom is not a kid she is old age woma- (before i could speak mom strated chasing me while not caring abt the surrounding)
Mom- yahh you little brat
yn- haha ( (old age woman) i whispred)
Mr Kim- sweetie eat the breakfast and stop torching my daughter
Mrs Kim- what
Yn- (chuckling)


I had my breakfast which was

I had my breakfast which was

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didn't put surup in my pancakes cause i hate it and suprisingly i was shocked that i got my chocolate milkshake maybe mom has told the breakfast maker the dinner was silent as accepted i was leaving but dad or mr Kim said something

Mr Kim-ynie go with them kid (some of them went to coma while some were excited and some didn't cared abt it but i can't)
Yn- dad can i go alone plewss (cutely) i will be more comfortable alone plewssssssss-
Mr Kim- okay princess but drive safely hmm
Yn- thank you dad yes i will..bye dad bye mom
Mrs/ mr Kim- bye kids

After biding bye i walked towards the bus stop cause my bike was at home (yn's mom) when i reached i waited for the bus to arrive and in less than 1 min it arrived i took a last seat with my famous cold look and wearing airpods
Author note

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sweetie hope you all are doing well i am sorry for not updating on last week's Thursday plwesss forgive me i was having several heachades and i couldn't even sleep properly from many days and tomorrow i had a high feaver i am being Better than yesterday so i thought of updating and be careful because nowadays weathers is not so good and let me know if you need some help or anything feel free to chat with me my inbox is always there for you and hope you like this chapter it doesn't disappoints you and wasted your time byeeeee love you alllllllllllllll!!!!!

Words count - 890 excluding previous review and author crazyness.

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