Love letter!!

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It's werid her ending the call while giggling leave it i went to jungkook's room and.


I saw the whole data i collected with this much difficultly unwillingly was destroyed by them.

They all looked at me shockly it was at taehyung's place but i am damn sure it is done by in yeoup why would taehyung take my data

Taehyung- y-n-n i-i d-i-d-n't d-i-d i-t
Yn- i know (i smiled widely and face towards the bitch)
In yeoup- i-t's k-ep-t in t-aehy-u-ng's pl-ace w-hy ar-e yo-u gl-ari-ng a-t m-e(he said while defending him but i am not that much foolish)
Yn- WOW!! You are dead (i said my last three word with serious cold death glaring tone ofcourse i was done with him)
In yeoup- Wh-at a-re yo-u gon-na d-o (he was still scared i liked it)

I wanna kill him badly at that time somehow i managed it and said

Yn- it's okay (small smile
Jimin- i thought you were gone today (whispered to tae)
Taehyung- you better shut your mouth (whispered back)

I hear there conversation he was being scared of me cool. I took the papers and all my things and went towards my room

As i entered there i jumped on the bed and made the ball of the paper in which water was spilted and throw it somewhere . Then i checked the time it's 10:30 pm i wanna sleep badly but unfortunately it's not in my luck i was welcomed by a knock .

I stood up to open it and saw ajumma (Mrs Choi) with a sweet smile which can melt anyone's heart and she said

Mrs Choi- baby dinner is ready
Yn- isn't to early
Mrs Choi- not at all but i guess you may like it
Yn- what's in the meanu ms.(i strated taking my role)
Mrs Choi- hmm chopped fresh leg piece of a human and a deep fried hand (and she also took it)
Yn- wow! I didn't thought peoples in this mainson eat human's also (while laughing)
Mrs Choi- yes now i want you downstairs in 2 mins (serious tone)
Yn- wait..Whatt! (And she left my sight )

I went straightly downstairs as i was craving badly i saw 3 members sitting there which was Suga oppa, jhope and Namjoon oppa while Jin was setting dinner table i thought of helping him but he was done. Great i took my seat where no one was sitting not even in my right,left side,nor infront.

Then the left came in union strating coming here and took a sit together but that bitch sat beside me ughh .

The dinner was served by ajumma i kinda loved it but then my werid thoughts strated poping up.

What if they put poison in it , but if it would be than on whome will be they taking there childish revenge, but it can't be, but it can , if they did it then i would be....I DON'T WANT TO DIE AT THIS YOUNG AGE.. ik i hate my life but still i love it ughh am i just over thinking but..(i was distributed by somebody's voice i looked there it was Jin i then looked back at my food)

Jin- so how much project is left
Namjoon- i think ynie is also with them
Namjoon- yn
Yn- hmm(i looked up and i was being there centre of attention jungkook was saying something i didn't understand while other were looking scared as hell)
Namjoon- are you there partner
Yn- hmm
Namjoon- so did you guys started till yet
Jin- are you all ignoring us(strict tone)
Jin- yn(normal tone)

That's when i was distributed by in yeoups tap on my elbow ikn he wants me to say something positive.

Yn- umm yes we collect at alot of data and it's goona complete soon(cold)
Namjoon- great and how is your studies going in yeoup
In yeoup- great opp- hyung

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