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Today is Saturday, which means that it's girl's day! My best friend loves taking me out and shopping and today is no different. I'm excited, though, mainly because I had to get an outfit for the concert. I told her that I probably wouldn't wear my outfit for the show until closer to the start of the show. I'm still waiting for Harry to send me the information so I can text any clients I may have scheduled as soon as he does.

As we're walking out the door, my phone rings. I see that it's Harry. So, of course, I pick up.

>>>Phone Call<<<

Hey! How are you this morning?

I'm doing well! How are you?

Great! So I'm in a meeting with Jeffery right now, and he said that if I want to help you, I should bring you over earlier. That way, we can actually work on ideas. If you can't, I totally understand. You would be leaving tomorrow at 3 pm.

I should be able to! All I have to do is go to church tomorrow, and then I'm free. I can bring my bags with me and head to the airport as soon as the service is over. Just send me the tickets and information!

I'm having Jeffery email the information and tickets over right now. Where do you go to church, if you don't mind me asking?

Oh, I go to Dwell Church in Allen, TX.

That's cool. Check your email. Jeffery just sent the tickets.


I go to my email, and sure enough, the ticket for the plane is there, as well as the ticket for the show. There's also hotel information. It just occurred to me that the plane ticket is first class!


Harry, you didn't have to put me in first class. I'm cool with sitting in economy.

Well, I wanted you to be comfortable. Also, did you see the backstage passes? I can't tell you why yet, but get excited!

This is too much! I'm very grateful to you and Jeffery. I appreciate you going through all this trouble to help me.

It's no trouble at all! I'm just glad that I can help. I do have to ask what this is for.

Well, I will tell you what the project is about if you tell me what the backstage passes are for.

So I won't know until you get here.

If you're not telling me, I'm not telling you.

Ok, see you soon! Can you have a friend drive you tomorrow? You'll see why soon. Goodbye Love!

>>>Call Ended<<<

I said goodbye and ended the call. I'm not sure why I need my friend to drive me, but I'm sure it's another surprise up his sleeve.

"Hey! I'm going to need you to drive me tomorrow." She looks at me with a confused face. "I don't know why, but that's what Harry told me to do."

"But you have to be there early." She said, a little frustrated. "Fine, but only because Harry told you." She said while pouting, "Does he know that you can sing?" She asks.

"Absolutely not! I have no plan on telling him anything!" I said with passion in my voice. I sing at my church on the worship team. I hope that whatever Harry is up to, it has nothing to do with the church.

"Let's go shopping and find me an outfit. I'm leaving tomorrow after church." She realized that Harry is probably sending someone to get me after church. "I know what you're thinking. I think the same thing, but it's probably just him sending an Uber to take me to the airport. I'm choosing not to worry about it." Which is a lie because I'm totally worrying about it.

"Girl, I know you better than that. But seriously, don't worry. He's obviously got this all planned out." She gives me a look that I know all too well. The one that tells me don't try to argue because there's no point. "Now, let's get you a stunning outfit that will blow Harry away!"

We just finished shopping and got a couple of options for me to wear. I honestly can't wait! I'm still worrying about tomorrow, but I'm trying to choose not to overthink it. I was just about to start making dinner when I got a text from my pastor and friend.

>>>Text Message<<<

Nicole Binion
Hey! I was wondering if you could lead All Is For Your Glory? Gracie isn't going to be able to make it, and I need someone to lead that song. Let me know as soon as possible.

Mikaela Herrera
Hey! I'm always available to lead if you need me to. Also, do you know if tomorrow is just worship or if there will be a sermon? I have to get to the airport by 1:30 tomorrow, so I just wanted to make sure that I can make it.

Nicole Binion
It's worship and then a sermon from David and me. If you need to leave after worship, that's okay. Just let us know. See you tomorrow!

Mikaela Herrera
I'll let you know tomorrow. I shouldn't need to leave early. If I do, I'll text you so that you know. See you tomorrow!


After I finish texting her, I go to make dinner. After we finish eating dinner, I go to pack and then go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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