I wake up to the sound of Harry snoring. I look at the time on my phone and see it's 8:30. I actually slept through the night. I didn't have a nightmare! I decide to try and let Harry sleep but as soon a I turn over I hear him say "Trying to run away again?" I laugh and turn around to face him. "No silly I was trying to let you sleep." Now it's his turn to laugh. "Well silly, that's funny because I was trying to let you sleep. I figured you needed as much sleep as you could get." He was right. I knew that what he did was for the best. "Thanks, you're the best silly." He smiles when I call him that.

"Did you notice that I didn't have any nightmares last night! That's the first time that's happened. I think it was a mixture of the music and you." I blush as I say that last part. He just chuckles at my blush. "Aw, you said I helped you." "Yeah, yeah, don't make me regret saying it." He nods and gets up to go to the bathroom.

I see his phone light up. It says Jeff. "Hey silly! You got a text from Jeff! Just thought I'd let you know!" There's no response. "Did you hear me?!" No response. That's weird. I get up to grab his phone when I feel two hands grab my shoulders and yell "Boo!!" I jumped and Harry started laughing at me. He literally didn't stop for 10 minutes.

After he finally stopped laughing he looked at the text from Jeff. "Ugh! I'm not ready to go to L.A yet! I wanna stay here in London!" He seems frustrated. "Hey, it's okay. That was the plan all along right. We come here and then head off to L.A." He still looks frustrated. "We were supposed to stay here for 3 more days and then head to L.A but now Jeff is telling me we have to leave today." I wonder if he said why. "Did he say why?" He realizes he didn't read the whole text. "Oh my god! Our photographer Lloyd got into a car crash. He's okay but he won't be able to photograph the L.A shows. Jeff told me to ask you if you would be able to. Please." Oh my god I can't believe he just asked me that! "I don't have my camera with me or any of my equipment plus I wasn't planning on being gone this long." I explain.

"I think that's why Jeff is having us leave so early. Because the plane tickets don't say California they say Texas. Dallas Texas to be exact. Will you do it?" I think about it. The person who I had to reschedule because of this trip just canceled her session. The only other session I have is the Canyon Moon session. I think I'm going to say yes. "When will we leave for L.A?" I ask. "Thursday or Friday. Why?" I'll still be able to go to prayer on Wednesday so it works with what I want. "Ok, I'll do it!!" He starts jumping around the hotel room. "We have to leave in about an hour. Go get packed and then we'll head out." He says and I run off to my room.

I remembered that I need to text David but I will do that when we are driving to the airport.

We met in the hallway and started to walk down together. I'm so excited for this next season in my life! We get in the car and I pull out my phone to text David.

>>>Text Message<<<

Not sure what time it is over there but it's probably middle of the night. Just wanted to let you know that I didn't have any nightmares last night. Also I'll be home this evening if you want to have dinner after practice. See you soon!


After I send the text to David, I text Anne because I'm sure Harry forgot.

>>>Text Message<<<

Not sure if Harry already told you but we're on our way to the airport. Jeff texted saying that Lloyd got in an accident and they want me to fill in for him so we have to head back to Texas so I can get my stuff. Let's figure out a time that we can meet soon! Love you!

Under the Canyon Moon {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now