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~1 week later~


My alarm goes off, and I immediately jump out of bed, excited to get ready for the day.

Today is the day that I finally do the photo shoot at Laurel Canyon Trail! I've been waiting for this day for the past couple of weeks, and it's finally here!! I have a couple of surprises up my sleeve today, which is making me even more excited. I'm meeting my clients at a coffee shop so I can explain how the day will go. Then, I'll drive them to Laurel Canyon Trail, and we'll begin taking pictures.

I put on a pair of black shorts with a short-sleeved tan button-up shirt that is slightly cropped. I also put on my pair of custom sunflower Nikes. Once I'm dressed, I head to the bathroom to fix my hair. Today, I'm going for cute and functional. I decide on space buns so my hair looks cute but is out of my face. Then, I put on light makeup and deodorant. Then, I head back into the room to pack my camera bag.

Once my bag is packed, I see that I still have about 30 minutes until I need to head out, so I decide to FaceTime David.



David Binion
Hey Mikaela! Why are you calling? I thought you had that photo shoot today.

I do! But I got ready a little too quickly, so I have some time to kill. So, what are you guys up to today?

David Binion
Not much. I'm just about to head out for brunch with Ana and Cole.

Awe, is Harvey going to be there?

David Binion
I think so, but I'm not sure. How are you and Harry?

We're good! I miss him, though. He had an early meeting this morning, but he should be getting back soon.

David Binion
Are you guys coming back after you take these photos today?

That's the plan, but we're unsure about the timing. Harry has a month off before he starts doing shows again, so I think the plan is to return to Dallas. If we do, I'm going to fly his mom out so he can spend time with her and also so you guys can meet her.

David Binion
Well, I'm excited to meet the woman who raised such a smart and thoughtful man. Who you seemed to fall in love with.

Hey, I got to start heading to the coffee shop to meet with my clients, so I'll talk to you later!

David Binion
Okay! Love you, bye!

Love you!

>>>Call Ended<<<

After my phone call with David, I grab my bag and head to the coffee shop to meet with my clients.

After a quick trip in the car, I arrive at Kitchen In The Canyon. It's a coffee and breakfast spot that I found with Harry while we were exploring the other day.

I get out of the car and head in. Once I'm in, I see my clients and head over to them.

"Hey, Holly and Neal! How are you guys?! It's so good to see you guys!" I say as I hug both of them.

"We're great!" They say at the same time.

"Well, I'm gonna order a coffee and food real quick, and then I'll fill you in on how the day will go!" I say as I grab my wallet and go to order.

~30 minutes later~

We walk out and head to my car. "We're all going to go in my car, and then I drop you back off here when we're done." They nod in agreement and get into the car.

It's a short drive, and they get out while I grab my camera backpack. "Let me get all my stuff ready, and then we can start." I grab my camera and the lens I want to use. I have multiple to use after he proposes but for now I need a specific one.

"So it is going to be a small hike to get to the waterfall but once we get there that'll be where we'll take most of the pictures."

It took us about an hour and a half to reach the waterfall because I kept stopping them to take pictures. Once we reached the top I told Holly that I wanted a picture with just her first to make sure all my settings were good. I had Neal come over by me and I whispered, "Do you have the ring?" he nodded so I went on, "I have a friend of mine who is hiding and he's going to record the whole thing. You won't see him until I give him the signal to get a little closer. So Holly will have no idea." He nods one last time to tell me he understands and then I say I'm ready.

"Okay! Holly and Neal I want to start by getting a couple pictures of you guys facing me then I want you to turn and face the waterfall. After that turn and gaze into each other's eyes." They both nodded and waited for my cue. I nodded and we start taking pictures.

When Holly and Neal faced the waterfall I took a couple and then told them to start facing each other. As Holly started to turn she saw that Neal was on one knee and she started to tear up.

"Holly you make life worth living. Anytime that I'm with you my worries and stress melt away. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. I love you so much. More than you will and could ever know. So Holly Jackson will you marry me?" Holly nodded her head and finally croked out through tears, "Yes. A thousand times, yes." He put the ring on her finger as my mystery videographer came out from his hiding spot. Holly and Neal didn't recognize who he was at first but when they did it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen.

"Harry Styles! What are you doing here?" That was all they were able to ask.

"Well it's a long story that I can tell at another time but for now let me first of all say congratulations, and then tell you that it would be my honor to play at your wedding. That's if you wanted that to happen." Harry finishes while chuckling.

"Oh my goodness we'd love for you to sing at our wedding! Thank you!" Everyone at this point was either laughing or crying, or both.

We finished heading back and I dropped them off at the coffee place and then headed back to the hotel.

Under the Canyon Moon {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now