I wake up in Harry's arms. Apparently, we had fallen asleep after our conversation earlier. I realized I never called Anne back, so I try to sneak out of Harry's arms, but he wakes up and holds me tighter.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks

"To call your mom. I told her I'd let her know how it went. Now, can you please let me go?" He pouts, "But we were cuddling. Can't you just stay here?"

"I'll be back, silly. I'm just going to call her and my friend. Then I will come back if you want me to." He smiles and says, "Of course I want you to come back. Plus, we have to get dinner, so you have to come back."

"I'll be back in a little bit. See you later, silly." I wave goodbye and grab my phone and room key.

I open my door and sit on my bed. I can't believe that just happened. I didn't think it was possible to fall even more for him, but I am. I decide to call my friend first.

>>>Phone Call<<<

Hey Bestie!

Hey! How are you?! You never called like you said you would.

Sorry, I've had quite an eventful day.

Do you want to talk about it?

All I can say right now is I'm falling for him, and he's falling for me. And he knows about everything that happened with my mom.

You told him! You always say that you're never going to tell anyone. Yet you told him on your first day with him.

I'll explain later. I'm surprised you didn't say anything about the first thing I said.

I was just getting the protective response out of the way. Now, can we talk about the fact that you said you're falling for him?! And he is as well?! Like what!!? Tell me everything.

That's all I can really say on the phone. I don't think I can explain without being in the same room as you. I promise though that I will tell you everything when I get home.

Ok, well I got to go! My break is up. Talk to you later!! Love you bean!

Did you just call me Bean?

Yeah, get over it.

Well bye!!


>>>Call Ended<<<

Now that I called my friend, I have to call Anne. She's been texting me for about an hour. Checking to see if everything went well.

>>>Phone Call<<<

Oh, thank goodness. You finally answered. Harry wasn't answering his phone, and I was starting to get worried. So, how did it go??

I forgave him. He earned it. He literally got on his hands and knees and begged me to forgive him. But the real way he earned it was that he listened to me explain why it upset me so much. He let me explain everything. Then he wouldn't let me go. We cuddled for about 3 hours. Then I spent the last hour on the phone with my friend. Do you want to go to dinner?

Under the Canyon Moon {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now