a new world

386 8 2

"i'm doing this for my family"

184 AC, King's Landing

"Look, the king is arriving with his queen.", Lord Marbrand made a comment. "How can a woman -a foreign one none less, may have the right to sit amongst us in the council? Why you didn't say anything my lord as the Hand of the King? It is not our place to warn him but it is yours."

"If one day you take my seat, then you can tell it yourself, Lord Marbrand.", The Lord Hand, Jon Hightower, warned him harshly. "Also you yourself are married to a Targaryen Princess. You too Lord Varner. You both are kin to the dynasty. Warn him if you can."

"You understood it in a wrong way, my Lord.", Master of Laws, Corwin Varner spoke quickly.

They all were waiting in front of the king's chambers. The Hand, Lord Jon Hightower, the Grand Maester Martyn, Master of Coin, Lord Alister Marbrand also the husband of Princess Daena, Master of Ships, Lord Rutherford Redwyne, Master of Whisperers, Ser Hudson Rogers and Master of Laws, Lord Corwin Varner also the husband of Princess Rhaena. Alongside Lord Ronnel Penrose, husband of Princess Elaena, and Ser Gwayne Corbray.

The new king had ordered an urgent meeting after he was done seeing his father for one last time. And now he was finally arriving, looking too well for a son who just lost his father -but Aegon IV looked even better when Viserys II died and when Baelor finally closed his eyes on earth, Viserys was glowing for an uncle who just lost his nephew. Baelor himself didn't mourn for his brother and Daeron was too excited to rule to care for his father. Aegon III had a poker face his entire life and his uncle's death didn't shatter it one bit. Neither Rhaenyra nor Aegon wept when Viserys died, too busy fighting with each other and sending more family members to his side, Jaehaerys died knowing none of his descendants loved him, Maegor died by his own men's hands, Aenys' death was a blessing to the Westeros and his children were too worried for their own lives, they simply didn't have time to mourn.

Only Aegon the Conqueror left two utterly sad, truly mourning children behind him, only he was loved by his family. And no one else after him.

Surely it was a dangerous thought but men of the council thought; would Baelor weep when Daeron died and change the story of the original Baelor and Daeron? Or would he become one of the unlucky ones, closing his eyes way before his time? Like Baelor the Spring Prince, his namesake, or Jaehaerys and Jacaerys?

The new king was wearing a black outfit with golden embodiments on it -symbolizing his Targaryen line and Dornish alliance, also his 'mourning' for his father. His queen was walking alongside him, with her beautiful tawney skin, brown eyes and glowing wavy chestnut hair. She too was wearing a rich black gown with golden embodiments, too conservative for her own taste in fashion. Neither the king nor the queen was wearing crowns or any other jewellery than their wedding rings. The classic Targaryen promise ring, the band was Valyrian steel and on top of it there was an onyx rock, craved a three-headed Targaryen dragon. And the king was only wearing a simple gold band on his left hand.

Escorting them; there was Holden Santagar, the king's best friend since his youth, who came to the court with his then princess now queen Myriah Martell and befriended the king instead, a young but honourable knight that served the king in Dragonstone just a few days earlier as his Captain of Guards, Willem Wylde, and two kingsguards; Ser Donnel and Ser Roland -both in their glorious white armour.

"Maester Martyn,", the new king spoke when they finally approached to them. "my father's only confidante in his very, very open life.", he smiled fakely and patted the man on his shoulders. "I want to speak with you in privacy first.", the old man followed the king into his new chambers.

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