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"fight it or accept it, fear it or control it"

187 AC, King's Landing

"Well, well, well...", he entered the balcony while applauding her. "Little Myriah finally managed something in her life.", he put his hands on her shoulders. "Though you needed a little help and still was too late but well, a win is a win, right?"

Myriah didn't give in to her brother's taunts and kept watching her sons' swordplays. Maekar was good, and Baelor had the advantage of his age. Maekar's name day was the first day of the year, he was four and ten now, and there were mere months before Baelor became seven and ten. Myriah couldn't believe how fast her sons grew. It felt like yesterday when she first hold Baelor after a rather easy birth.

She shook her shoulders to get rid of Maron's grip. "You have a bride who's two decades younger than you, you achieved everything you want with false mind games and built a wall between me and my husband, congratulations."

"It is not my fault that Daeron gave you up this easily.", he frowned and stand next to her, watching his nephews. "It is who you should be mad. You endured the insults of his father for years, the court still looks to the other way even though you are their queen and not even once he did defend you. Still, you stood by his side, and supported him. He should be wise enough to know that one day he had to pay for your support."

"I never stood by his side hoping that one day he would have to sacrifice something for me."

"You all are too emotional in North.", Maron rolled his eyes. "Princesses were born to strengthen their houses by marriage arrangements. And it is not only Daeron who sacrificed something. I will give up my freedom, Dorne will join to the fold."

"Don't act like it is by your choice.", her voice was stern and her accent was thick. "Dorne is an indigent region. You managed to hide the growing tension there well enough from our enemies but do not try to play the fool with me."

"Very well,", he nodded and accepted. "I admit that not everything was a lie. Yronwoods do have close relationships with the Tyroshi -I only wrote a little scenario to show you the lengths this little scheme can reach to."

"Well, Daeron is no fool so he saw right through it and still accepted because even though he had been the king for nearly three years, there are people who are questioning his rule and challenging his reign. He may have made peace with the bastard once more but he wanted the glory to be remembered. He will act like he conquered the Dorne -with a humble manner of course."

"And I will act like I had tricked the Westeros -not with a humble manner."

"The girl is too young, Maron.", she turned to him. "She'll turn five and ten towards the end of the year. Daeron might have accepted this offer but one wrong move and he would invade Dorne, make no mistake.", she turned back to her sons. "He truly does care for his sister."

"And you think I don't care for you?"

"You said countless of times that you don't.", she shrugged. "And I have enough memories that prove you don't. This last act, the game, shows that you never did. My happiness nor comfort means nothing to you."

"Well, I made you the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, haven't I?"

"When I married Daeron he wasn't even a prince."

"Baelor refused to consummate his marriage, Viserys was his next of kin, and even if Aegon would die, Daeron would still inherit the goddamn Iron Throne.", he looked offended. "I did not sell my own sister to savages in the North for nothing. I fucking made you who you are now. You are right I do not care about your happiness or comfort because, in the grand scheme of things, they do not matter. I thought you were old enough to know that now."

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