the devil complex

75 1 2

190 AC, King's Landing

"You called for me?", Maekar entered the large balcony that belonged to Daeron.

"Sit down.", Daeron made a hand gesture and motioned Maekar to sit on the pillows on the floor. "Join me for breakfast."

"I already ate."

"Ate again.", he prepared a plate for Maekar and put it in front of him. "It's healthy food."

Maekar sighed and seated. "Where's mother?"

"In the Sept.", he sent a look. "Praying for grandchildren."

"I thought she would burst into flames if she gets close to the Sept.", he japed but Daeron's seriousness continued.

"Where are my grandchildren, Maekar?"

"Ask Baelor.", he said without skipping a beat. "He is your heir, he is the one who must have children, not me."

Daeron took a deep breath. "What do you think will happen if Baelor dies without an heir."

"Aerys and his children will take the throne -just like King Viserys took the throne from his nephew because he died without an heir.", he sent a look to Daeron. "And if he dies without one, then Rhaegel and his children will be waiting in line. I do not need to have a child."

"I see.", Daeron said with a solemn voice. "All this time I thought that I raised a dutiful boy who respected his king but apparently I was wrong.", Maekar didn't even blink. "What would be the use of you if you cannot manage to do simple tasks?"

"Give me an army and I can conquer the Dorne for you, but do not expect any grandchildren from me."

"You are being sel-"

"No, you are being selfish. You and mother. Aerys is the second in line, it should be him who married Dyanna, it should be him that you put the pressure of siring children -not me.", he scowled. "I wanted one thing from you, just one; make me a kingsguard. That was all I wanted from this life and yet you disregarded my wishes, and now you are expecting me to do even more.", he shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder what would you do if I would just leave one day."

"You wanted to be a soldier, great!", Daeron snapped. "Don't you know that the soldiers follow the order of their commanders? Don't you know that as the king, I am the commander of every army in this realm? Do you think there is a corner in this earth that you can go and I cannot reach you?"

Maekar looked at his face blankly. "Sometimes I wonder if you are doing all these intentionally.", he said with a dry voice a few moments later. "To hurt me, to cause me pain."

"You are being emotional.", he observed. "I didn't raise you to be emotional."

"You didn't raise me at all.", he turned his head away and mumbled.

Daeron heard what he said perfectly well but he chose to ignore it. "Did you at least consummate the marriage?"

"I shouted from the rooftops that I will not."

"I heard she spent the night in your room."

"She said that she couldn't bear the humiliation of sleeping in her own chambers on her own wedding night.", he turned his head towards Daeron but averted his eyes. "I let her sleep there that night.", he took a deep breath. "She is trying to play a one-sided game herself. Sometimes I enter the room and find her already sleeping in my bed, she thinks I cannot wake her up. And she leaves the room before I wake up."

"Well it seems she thinks right.", Daeron observed. "You didn't wake her up yet, right?"

"I do understand her.", now both of them were calmed down and Daeron was filled with fatherly love once again. "It must be hard for her to leave her home and be forced to leave her life with a man who will never love her."

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