the audacious plan

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"in chess, the queen's job is to protect the king"

185 AC, Starpike

Marcher Lords had enough of Queen Myriah Martell's involvement in state affairs.

Even though Dorne was not part of the realm, the foreign queen had several Dornish ladies and Martell soldiers with her. A Dornish knight had been appointed as the Master of Whisperers and the whole information web was going through both him and his Dornish queen.

Marcher Lords had enough of Queen Myriah Martell's involvement in state affairs and one of them especially wanted her head.

Lord Urrigon Peake, the Lord of Starpike.

There were six Marcher Lords in total;

House Caron of Nightsong carried the title of "Lord of the Marchers", in any case of war, it was their duty to lead them into the Dornish border. Their head, Lord Pearse Caron was the Master of Laws in King Daeron II's small council. And though the Marcher blood in his veins made it hard for him to like the queen, he would never involve in such treachery

House Tarly of Horn Hill was a very noble and respectable house with blood ties with House Tyrell. They hated the Dornish as much as the next lord but they were fiercely loyal to the crown. Wouldn't even think of such a betrayal.

Both houses were waiting for the crown's orders to take action.

Meanwhile, House Peake already had Houses Selmy (of Harvest Hall) and Swann (of Stonehelm). They had claimed them as the new "Lord of the Marchers" and both Hubert Selmy and Rodrick Swann bent the knee to him.

An uprising did start openly.

Now they were at Starpike. Two Marcher lords and their sons were on his left, his trusted advisors were on his right.

"We are to attack to traitor Marcher Lords first. Horn Hill and Nightsong will be perished for not standing side by side with their kinsmen. Then we will take down that Dornish whore and her craven husband from the throne they had usurped and put Daemon instead. The true king of the Seven Kingdoms!"

"Long live the king!", his son Gormon yelled.

"Long live the king!", the others repeated.

But he did not live long.

And he was no king.


185 AC, King's Landing

"Father, it is my duty to obey to your commands and inform you about the growing tension in the Marchers. Unfortunately, Lord Peake of Starpike had aligned himself with the likes of House Selmy and House Swann and openly committed high treason against our king, queen and the realm. He had challenged your title and station as the Lord of the Marchers and now is planning a raid into Nighstong. I have to prepare quickly for it but I solemnly hope that Lord Tarly will prevail and stop this madness before it reaches to our borders. His ultimate goal is to dethrone our king, execute our queen and put the bastard, Daemon Waters on the throne.", Lord Caron read the letter his son sent to him.

The small council had to have an urgent meeting just because of this reason.

Daeron turned to his hand and Lord Caron with great anger but a calm demeanour. "Both of you will go there and bring me his head."

"Your wish is my command, your grace."

"Wait.", Myriah said, her focus was on the table, she was thinking something. "The letter does not mention House Dondarrion? He is a Marcher Lord too."

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